
CrazyCatLady108 t1_itw5mp0 wrote

> I also wrote "based on his room" but

not his room, he rents. and i think it was originally a storage closet, as it is barely big enough to fit his couch. the descriptions lean heavy on it being coffin like with the slanted ceiling and cramped space. i would compare it more to those 'bed' rooms in China, where you get a bed worth of living space and that's it, than the tiny apartments in NYC, the ones that have a bed and toilet in the same room.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_itw33da wrote

>but I still think it's interesting and underlines literature can be used for comparative studies of perceived poverty.

no argument there.

the point is you said he doesn't seem very poor by today's standards, but he is. he is essentially homeless, as the only reason he has not been kicked out is because the landlady cannot force him out.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_itqp9kx wrote

Apologies, but your post does not contain enough for people to engage in conversation. Do you have something else to say about the book that you could edit into the text? Let me know if you edit it and I will reinstate your post.

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CrazyCatLady108 t1_itohf1j wrote

Reply to Question; by CdnF__

Hi there. Per rule 3.3, please post book recommendation requests in /r/SuggestMeABook or in our Weekly Recommendation Thread. Thank you!


CrazyCatLady108 t1_it98c4a wrote

The recommendation thread is not only for recommendations, but also for asking what to expect from a book you have not yet read and/or if you should continue reading. Your question is exactly that, asking what you should expect and/or if you should keep reading.

If you want to discuss the intricacies of how the party rose to power, you would need to read the book first and offer your own answer supported by the text you read.