
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2606dt wrote

Reply to comment by bluecollarNH in Tree Stand by RidingBeen

This further confirms my position that landowners don’t “really” own the land they think they own. If one did, s/he wouldn’t need to post signage prohibiting such “public” use.

Right or wrong, I still don’t know how I feel about this…seems like we’re sold an ownership “lie” and for what?

What I also find interesting is the 10 acre common use tax classification. Am I understanding correctly in that if you own 10+ acres and place the tract into common use, you could obtain an additional 20% reduction in tax payments (on top of what is provided as a result of common use status) IF you also keep your land open to public use?


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j0j0ahg wrote

Be prepared…

It snows more in NH.

Far more vehicles on the road with vanity plates. Some are impossible to decode.

Very strict when it comes to vehicle inspections. Insanely prohibitive when it comes to window tint.

Car or truck, all/4 wheel drive is a necessity if you are a commuter or enjoy the outdoors…and not just in winter.

Humidity is brutal for, on average, 17 days per year.

Weather prediction is wrong more than it is right.

Open carry and concealed are commonplace, more apparent the farther out in the boonies you go.

Learn to hate Massholes; the sooner you do, the better you’ll feel.

Don’t compare anything in NH to anything in FL.

Not a diverse state. Everyone has an opinion for why that is and how to change it, but here we are.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_ixkf3wi wrote

Whatever NH does, they better use the revenue to fund public education - take the cigs, booze and pot to learn our youth a thing or two. Congratulations on your graduation—this diploma brought to you by RJ Reynolds, Bacardi and Kanc Kush. LOL


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_iw65vgz wrote

Knowing what I know now, by learning (ready, questioning, thinking), I feel for every single one of you who had to endure the ridiculousness of the CDC and their twisted, skewed and falsified “facts” and misguided directions.

F the federal govt…can’t do a single thing without F’n it all up.


Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_iw65fqc wrote

Did I miss something? COVID boosters work now? Pfizer says the booster is 4x more effective in people over 55 and yet their testing hasn’t been peer reviewed nor has the data been released to the public…and the CDC is downright begging everyone to get it or you’ll suffer. Such bullshtuff. Yeah, call me crazy…keep believing what you want and I will too. Open your friggin’ eyes, people and make a conscious effort to learn (and ask questions) instead of spewing garbage, “Duh, doh…uh oh, I was told to get the booster so I’ma get the booster”.
