Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jdb6aa1 wrote
Reply to comment by RickyDaytonaJr in North Hampton Chief Leaves After Investigation Into Questionable Arrest by L-V-4-2-6
Let’s not forget the differing reasons behind how this will all take place. Right or wrong, police officers are (ultra) protected by their union. The police chief isn’t a participating member of the union so she’s doing right by not speaking about the matter publicly. The officers, on the other hand, can spew whatever they want and get away with it (because of said protections).
Think about all the other businesses where the boss cannot fire an employee? In an “employ at will” state to boot.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jd15azg wrote
Reply to Green Meadow Golf Course in Hudson, NH has announced that they will be closing their doors. by JustBadTimingBro
Admittedly, the only things I like about golf are the shirts and the carts, but goday’aaaam, 36 holes and it’s been sold? Safe to say it’s not because golf courses are too expensive to maintain/run (given the other courses this family owns).
Warehouses or condos…better yet, warehouses with condos on the top floor!
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jc7mpvs wrote
Reply to What is the deal with the NH grid? by decayo
I drive down the same roads every day and see the same trees, hanging over the same wires, contact Eversource over and over again, yet see nothing changes for months and months at a time, yeah, it’s easy to understand why it is our power fluctuates, blinks, etc., every GD time the wind blows.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j5cve5d wrote
Reply to Hate it or love it… Beautiful Snow by Josiewing28
More than the look of snow, I love the smell of snowmobile exhaust! Brrrrrrrap-p-p!
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j4yrhg5 wrote
Reply to comment by lellololes in New Hampsha by bubbynee
Clearly you’ve never had a vanilla cream powdered doughnut…arguably the best and remains the same today as it was last week. YUMMAY! 😜
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j4yleii wrote
Reply to comment by lellololes in New Hampsha by bubbynee
You can remember last week?!
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2pn7cu wrote
Reply to comment by papoosejr in Looks like the Dairy Queen in Manchester got the top sales in the country! by smdifansmfjsmsnd
First timer? Good l-l-l-luck making it.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2latp9 wrote
Reply to comment by owwwwwo in Looks like the Dairy Queen in Manchester got the top sales in the country! by smdifansmfjsmsnd
How about you make a dress with all that yarn you be spinning? Better yet, go start a business. What-a-doosh.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2kvv0t wrote
Reply to comment by owwwwwo in Looks like the Dairy Queen in Manchester got the top sales in the country! by smdifansmfjsmsnd
Well, duh! If you aren’t profitable, you aren’t in business…takes me back to my first response to your comment…best that we all celebrate businesses making money else we’re unemployed.
But hey, as long as you don’t own/run your own business, your employees have nothing to worry about.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2kp5zu wrote
Reply to comment by owwwwwo in Looks like the Dairy Queen in Manchester got the top sales in the country! by smdifansmfjsmsnd
Spoken like someone who hasn’t a clue about business, money, revenue and profit.
Hey, we didn’t make a profit last year and we have no money in the bank, but who cares, you’re getting a bonus anyway because we value you - said no business ever.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2kncsu wrote
Reply to comment by owwwwwo in Looks like the Dairy Queen in Manchester got the top sales in the country! by smdifansmfjsmsnd
Business 101: “businesses exist to make money”.
In other words, if a business doesn’t make money, a business fails. And without businesses, we all be unemployed.
So yeah, congratulating businesses for making money is a good thing.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j2kmgik wrote
Reply to comment by lendluke in Looks like the Dairy Queen in Manchester got the top sales in the country! by smdifansmfjsmsnd
Lowest tier? Clearly you don’t know ANYTHING about fast food.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j28uqjn wrote
Reply to comment by RetroIsBack in How do you convince someone who utilizes NH's cold weather recreational activities (ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.) to become more concerned about the shifting climate? by rabblebowser
Wisdom and facts, preach!
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j27fqbe wrote
Reply to comment by FADEBEEF in Squeezing one more in for 2022: NH police chief busted (5th one this year?) | Litchfield police chief accused of sexual harassment, charged with misdemeanor by rabblebowser
Nah, unions are bad news, especially in civil services; just ask any police chief. I have a left, but I don’t use it much, if at all. I’m mostly all right. Communism? Call me crazy, but maybe a little is what we need around these broke woke imbeciles.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j27f886 wrote
Reply to comment by TreePointOhhhhh in How do you convince someone who utilizes NH's cold weather recreational activities (ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.) to become more concerned about the shifting climate? by rabblebowser
Word. To the infinite power.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j272n6q wrote
Reply to comment by DocMcCracken in How do you convince someone who utilizes NH's cold weather recreational activities (ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.) to become more concerned about the shifting climate? by rabblebowser
It’s not as big a concern for me as how crooked our govt is, including these energy-laden deals we’re entered into to the detriment of many (and the benefit of a few elitists).
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26lbg7 wrote
Reply to Squeezing one more in for 2022: NH police chief busted (5th one this year?) | Litchfield police chief accused of sexual harassment, charged with misdemeanor by rabblebowser
this is why police chiefs should not be allowed to carry a gun
imagine if everyone was afforded the ability to be placed on paid leave for 1 year while your employer sorts things out.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26knrh wrote
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26kjfd wrote
Reply to comment by GraniteGeekNH in Tree Stand by RidingBeen
So long as we’re talking about land taxes accordingly, I’m all for this. I mean, if you own that much property and aren’t doing anything with it besides placing it in common use (I.e., tax relief), why not?
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26c5e3 wrote
Reply to comment by liptoniceteabagger in How do you convince someone who utilizes NH's cold weather recreational activities (ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.) to become more concerned about the shifting climate? by rabblebowser
Change is inevitable. Nothing stays the same. We may look back on all this talk one day and chuckle…while wearing flip flops all year long or bundled up in a parka for 9 months of the year. Nobody knows. Not even the scientists.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26bmra wrote
Reply to comment by TreePointOhhhhh in How do you convince someone who utilizes NH's cold weather recreational activities (ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.) to become more concerned about the shifting climate? by rabblebowser
I predict…the USA continues to pay China to make shtuff for less than what we can/will make ourselves and, as a result of this to coincide with the USA’s newfound interest in worldly climate matters, will contribute even more money to bringing such 3rd world countries up to a cleaner and greener standard of manufacturing. Less is more. More is less. USA! USA!! USA!!!
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26au8b wrote
Reply to comment by akmjolnir in How do you convince someone who utilizes NH's cold weather recreational activities (ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.) to become more concerned about the shifting climate? by rabblebowser
Climate facts. People facts. Planet facts.
The key words in your argument are “might” and “likely”…science plays a role, proving or disproving such hypotheses.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26a8wp wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzleheaded_Okra_21 in How do you convince someone who utilizes NH's cold weather recreational activities (ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.) to become more concerned about the shifting climate? by rabblebowser
- LOL. Does Obama know this?
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_j26a4fk wrote
Reply to comment by DocMcCracken in How do you convince someone who utilizes NH's cold weather recreational activities (ice fishing, snowmobiling, skiing, etc.) to become more concerned about the shifting climate? by rabblebowser
Until it’s called something else to further push what limited data we have as an overall agenda that remains unknown by the great number of humans who occupy the earth.
This place is many many thousands of years old (or so we’re told) and yet our “change” data is based upon 100+/- years. Imagine our surprise if/when the earth experiences a deep freeze after we’ve dedicated endless efforts to reverse near term warming (changing) when the earth, all along, was swinging between hot, cold, hot, cold.
Crazy_Hick_in_NH t1_jdbol8f wrote
Reply to comment by DrTartakovsky in North Hampton Chief Leaves After Investigation Into Questionable Arrest by L-V-4-2-6
Until she isn’t. Power and greed go hand in hand.