The aesthetics do matter, at lest to me. I don’t want the act of reading a book to take me out of the book experience, if that makes any sense? I don’t want to be pulled away from the writing. I remember reading the huge book forever ago. It had lots of necessary footnotes. The author never wanted you to forget you were actively reading, so he stuck all the footnotes at the end of the book. Ugh.
Creative_Decision481 t1_j5khula wrote
Reply to Do the aesthetics of the book matter to you? by AnalFissureSmoothie
The aesthetics do matter, at lest to me. I don’t want the act of reading a book to take me out of the book experience, if that makes any sense? I don’t want to be pulled away from the writing. I remember reading the huge book forever ago. It had lots of necessary footnotes. The author never wanted you to forget you were actively reading, so he stuck all the footnotes at the end of the book. Ugh.