
CriticalStrawberry t1_j125nhp wrote

I've never heard a case where they don't take a report in violent crime. I'm sure it happens, but it's rare.

The prosecution has nothing to do with crime stats. It's crimes recorded, not crimes successfully prosecuted.

It's not broken up by felonies/misdemeanors or severity of the crime. It's broken up by violent/property crimes and more specifically things like murder, assault, theft. Violent crime as a whole is down 7% YOY.

You can believe whatever you want. That doesn't make it true.


CriticalStrawberry t1_j1247va wrote

The article you shared from earlier in 2022 is literally based on MPD stats. So they're BS when you don't like them but they're a sure thing when you do? Where would you like to pull crime stats from? Your ass?

If you want to argue that it feels like crime is up then I might agree with you. But based on the stats, it's down.


CriticalStrawberry t1_j123b89 wrote

Pretty standard for holiday travel. The garages sell out early. Probably not helping that part of one of the garages is being used for short term parking due to construction in the cell phone lot.

Don't know what you have against taxi/rideshare/Metro but it's a much easier option. Drops you literally at the terminal.


CriticalStrawberry t1_j11o0mv wrote

Crime is down from 10 years ago... So not sure how it's out of control if you're comparing it to that. It's even down from last year according to the latest stats.

And city services are actually quite good here for the taxes we pay imo. Fantastic libraries and public rec centers. Relatively well kept bike lanes, sidewalks, and roads. DDOT in general is good. Parks. Metrobus and Metrorail, despite all their problems are very useable. Circulator busses. The list goes on. Could it be better? Of course. Does it make me want to move to a city in a Red state? Absolutely not lol. I grew up in Kansas City, MO. The only thing I miss from there is BBQ and sports teams.


CriticalStrawberry t1_j059nnz wrote

$200-300/mo is the going rate for off street parking. What's more crazy is that on street parking is as cheap as it is. It's heavily subsidized and takes up a ton of valuable real estate.

Pretty much all the new walkable and high density developments like NoMA, Navy Yard, etc are not eligible for RPP. The math simply doesn't work to have high rises park their hundreds of cars in the 15 or less curb spots surrounding the building. Not to mention, having residents cars sitting curbside is horrible for creating a walkable business friendly neighborhood. If they want parking, needs to be underground. And most buildings only have parking for 1/3 of residents as that's all that's required by the city.

If you want to keep your car AND live downtown, you'll have to start paying the true cost of storing it in a city. Over a 3rd of DC residents get by car free just fine. And I would guess around 50%+ pay the monthly rate to store their car for no reason or to use it once a month or so.


CriticalStrawberry t1_izklfhw wrote

I mean, auto sales and real estate can be pretty shady sectors of business sometimes. So it's probably not crazy to call them that. Real estate agents and banks pretty much single-handedly caused the 2008 financial crisis. And car salesman are the reason the average US car payment is $525-700/mo while the US average salary is $64k with a median of $44k.


CriticalStrawberry t1_iz3i8y0 wrote

Everytime us "crazy radical cyclists" try to say stuff like this with actual numbers, data, and studies to back it up, we get told off about how we don't know anything and just want cars and drivers to burn.

There's a field of study called urban planning and traffic engineering. It's real science, and shocker, it works in practice. Counterintuitively, reducing lanes and reducing lane width in addition to making other modes of transport more hospitable actually improves traffic in most cases.

Snark and pent up frustration aside, glad to have you on our side OP. Now continue down the rabbit hole of an urban planning and city design youtube channel like "Not Just Bikes" and take the orange pill. You'll be a full blown advocate in a matter of weeks.


CriticalStrawberry t1_iydqs7i wrote

I would love to be proven wrong, I really would. But accomplishing what you said above may as well be an act of God. It's never going to happen, at least not in my lifetime. Corruption is too ingrained in our system at all levels of government for meaningful change.


CriticalStrawberry t1_iydk015 wrote

I would agree, but that's the reality we live in. So you can either accept that and live your life in a way that defends against it, or you can complain on the internet every time your stuff gets stolen because you left your valuables visible in an unattended public area.

I'm going to go with the realist approach and hide and protect my belongings.


CriticalStrawberry t1_iy5hdm0 wrote

Most large apartments like Buzzoto don't give itemized readouts. You don't pay DC Water directly. Buzzoto gets one big bill for the whole building and each resident pays a portion of it through a submetering contractor like conservice (their name is quite fitting based on my interactions with them!). How that bill is divided is up to them.

We lived in a building managed by Kettler for a while. Apparently there was some kind of mixup in estimated billing vs actual readings and the building owed DC Water a large backpay of money. That debt got evenly divided to current residents whether you lived there during the high usage period or not.