CriticalStrawberry t1_iwcx0tk wrote
Like emotional support groups for when all your holdings inevitably go to zero?
Blockchain as a tech is super cool and useful, crypto as a currency or even worse, an investment, is nothing but a scam. I suggest giving any of Coffeezilla's videos a watch.
CriticalStrawberry t1_ivryd2o wrote
Reply to comment by here4myplants in Missed leaf collection. What to do? by here4myplants
I would suggest getting the big ones. You will thank yourself later. Even with a small yard it will make it significantly easier.
CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi6iqt wrote
Reply to comment by dc_dobbz in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
No. Commuting in the dark just doesn't bother me. It's useless time so it may as well be dark. I'd rather have the sunlight during hours that I can be out recreating and enjoying it.
CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi5wq1 wrote
Reply to comment by AinDiab in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
No but I lived somewhere that it's basically dark by 4. And it is indeed grim as hell. Give me evening sun.
CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi5qtq wrote
Reply to comment by Study-Hour in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
Nearly all the correlation with those adverse effects is due to changing the time, not due to DST. The science points to picking one and leaving it alone. It doesn't favor one over the other.
CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi4zkf wrote
Reply to comment by Study-Hour in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
The average American doesn't have a 15 minute walk to work commute. We're talking about country wide policy change.
CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi3xei wrote
Reply to comment by Study-Hour in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
Assuming you have to be in the office by the standard 8-9am and you have the average American commute of 30-45min, I don't follow how it would be possible.
CriticalStrawberry t1_ivi3660 wrote
Reply to comment by thepulloutmethod in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
Do you not have to be at work until 10a or after? How do you have time to do all that in sunlight even during standard time?
CriticalStrawberry t1_ivhrs8i wrote
Reply to comment by AinDiab in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
I couldn't care less when the sun rises. I'm in a windowless office before it does even with standard time. I'll take the extra evening sunlight.
CriticalStrawberry t1_ivhdnrq wrote
Reply to comment by UmbralRaptor in Okay, I changed my mind and now I hate it. by Witches_Brew
Meh, I'd rather it be light when I'm walking my dog or biking after work.
CriticalStrawberry t1_iuk8zrw wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Just got my new lease for next year… how much do rent controlled apt normally go up? by Practical_Awareness4
Capitalism has a lot of benefits, but it also has a lot of dark sides. The exploitation of something as fundamental a human right as shelter for maximized profit is one of the dark negatives.
CriticalStrawberry t1_iuihm81 wrote
Reply to Day trip on VRE or Marc ideas? by imrollinv2
Not strictly Marc/VRE, but day/overnight trip to Richmond on Amtrak is always fun. Riverfront area is very walkable with lots of good food. Nice trails and pedestrian bridges to the islands in the James River. Tickets are as cheap a $15 each way and the trains run on Holidays.
CriticalStrawberry t1_itmpf40 wrote
Reply to comment by hotchrisbfries in Someone signed my 5-year-old for an EBT card?? by AnonymousHillStaffer
Ah I see now. Good information to know. Much better than identity theft.
CriticalStrawberry t1_itmoznw wrote
Reply to comment by shirpars in Someone signed my 5-year-old for an EBT card?? by AnonymousHillStaffer
Ah. Well that's a quite critical piece of contextual info you left out. But good to know! Maybe OP doesn't have to worry then.
CriticalStrawberry t1_itmoq4g wrote
Reply to comment by shirpars in Someone signed my 5-year-old for an EBT card?? by AnonymousHillStaffer
And that's relevant how??
CriticalStrawberry t1_itm9hvy wrote
Reply to Break my lease legally by BoredHangry
Contact OTA. They will help you. They are probably one of the most functional parts of the DC gov.
CriticalStrawberry t1_itm94md wrote
Her identity has been stolen. You are correct in contacting DC DHS to get the EBT account sorted, but that may take some time.
The more immediate concern is damage control for her credit and identity. You can't do anything quickly to close what they've opened, but you can stop them from opening more.
Freeze her credit online with the big 3 credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) and request a credit report from one of them (it's free). This report will tell you if, and what, other accounts have been opened using her identity so that you can contact the fraud department at each to get them shut down.
It will be a mess to clean up, but as I said the most important part at this point is to try to stop the bleeding as quickly as possible.
CriticalStrawberry t1_itgzwp9 wrote
Reply to comment by sumpdiddlyump_ in New 8000 series Metro trains will have heated floors and charging outlets by Yaratam
It may be counter intuitive, but it will actually reduce complexity. Wires or coils that get hot when you run power through them in the floor have a lot less that can go wrong than a full blown HVAC coolant loop system.
CriticalStrawberry t1_itgzn9u wrote
Reply to comment by sumpdiddlyump_ in New 8000 series Metro trains will have heated floors and charging outlets by Yaratam
It's replacing the forced air heating on current trains as it's more efficient. So it's actually a core function and not a gimmicky add-on.
CriticalStrawberry t1_irw1my7 wrote
Reply to Arlington moves forward with plan to build pedestrian bridge from Crystal City to Reagan National by lylyls
Threads like this remind me that people actually call airports things besides their ident codes.
CriticalStrawberry t1_iwmm2zq wrote
Reply to comment by 4look4rd in First revenue service train into DC sits at Ashburn Metro Station, at the end of the now fully open Silver Line 11/15/2022 by thefocusissharp
We finally have a rail connection to our major international airport, I'll take it.