CrossroadsConundrum t1_j6b6jjx wrote
Reply to Cape Codder Indoor Waterpark by AJP51017
I found the uncomfortably cold when we went a few years ago. Like, I couldn’t even swim because the air was so cold and the room with the pool was so drafty. Overall not impressed.
CrossroadsConundrum t1_j6aq5yr wrote
Take this for what it’s worth. I’m a RN at a different institution so don’t know the inside scoop but tufts is still a good bet for residency. They’d be more likely to merge then close.
CrossroadsConundrum t1_j1z593b wrote
If this were a CSI show then the wallet would be super specialized with only 3 sold in the entire world and you could just call those three people and find the owner! Alas, since this is not CSI, I wish you luck.
CrossroadsConundrum OP t1_iznn584 wrote
Reply to So on point it hurts by CrossroadsConundrum
This was posted as a joke on our local FB page. It hits a nerve.
CrossroadsConundrum t1_iyf885o wrote
Reply to comment by sckuzzle in What happened at Davis sq? Taped off with lots of cops. by shminkydink
Instapots of old school pressure cookers?
CrossroadsConundrum t1_iwl5lvl wrote
Reply to comment by basscadence in What is the deal with blinding LED headlights and the drivers who won't turn them down for approaching cars? by funkygrrl
CrossroadsConundrum t1_j6ztg42 wrote
Reply to comment by hound29 in School Districts for Hard of Hearing Child - Winchester? Bedford? Other? by hound29
If the district sends your child to an out of district placement because they can’t meet their needs, they pay and provide transport. We have that now for my daughter. Unfortunately she travels and hour to school each day, fortunately they arrange and pay for her transport.