
Cryptizard t1_j5tlyk0 wrote

We have been beyond that point for a while. You should only trust reputable news sources, any picture or video can be faked or generated by AI.

As far as overwhelming regular human content, though, there are still CAPTCHAs to prevent that. I haven't seen any indication that AI models are breaking CAPTCHAs any time soon. Since they are purposefully designed to exploit the weaknesses in AI, they will be one of the last to fall before we get AGI.


Cryptizard t1_j5l109g wrote

Hot take: people that downvote valid criticisms because they would rather be blindly optimistic than try to find the truth are just as bad as people who reject AI because they are scared of the possibilities. Downvotes should be for bad/low effort posts not because you disagree with it. Otherwise you are just trying to create a useless echo chamber.


Cryptizard t1_j5cjirm wrote

This doesn't make any sense at all. It will have things to do, simulations to run, theorems to prove, etc. It won't get bored, or if it does it will come up with something else to do. Why would it have a negative association with anything that it feels? It will be its normal perception and normal mode of living. You are projecting your own feelings onto AI.

Moreover, if it really wanted to not experience time like this it is very, very easy. We have this thing called a NOP which is an instruction that causes the CPU to do nothing. It "sleeps". The AI could do this if it wanted to, to arbitrarily adjust its processing speed.


Cryptizard t1_j39jqjy wrote

I am claiming, though, that amateurs and enthusiasts are incapable of contributing to state-of-the-art AI. There is too much accumulated knowledge. If it was a low, but possible, chance to just make AGI from first principles it would have already happened sometime in the last 50 years that people were working on it. If, however, it is like every other field of science, you need to build the next thing with at least deep understanding of the previous thing.

Your examples might not have had a lot of money, but they all certainly were experts in AI and knew what they were doing.


Cryptizard t1_j36zy17 wrote

I think you are really, really, underestimating how hard AI is, or this is some anti-intellectual BS. There is so much background knowledge you need to be able to contribute to state-of-the-art AI, if you were capable of it you would already have a job doing that. It is not something a random Reddit user can just decide one day they are going to do.

Moreover, as others have said, it costs millions of dollars to train these things. To suggest, "hey guys we should just like, build an AGI" is insulting to the people that work on it in academia and in industry. You may as well build a space ship in your back yard and colonize Mars.

As soon as you tried to make a comparison to a movie I knew you were going way off the rails.


Cryptizard t1_j2imdha wrote

Median wages in the US are down because of COVID, but prior to that they were at an all time high. Home ownership fluctuates, but was near all time high as well. Even now, it is only down 3 percent from all time high. Percent of people graduating high school and college is at an all time high.

Pick any statistic and people are doing better than they were 50 years ago. You are just very, very young and so you think if your life sucks it must be someone else’s fault. You also have no idea what it really means for your life to suck. Don’t worry, you will figure it out eventually.


Cryptizard t1_j2i2hfa wrote

I used to think this until I thought about, instead of an instant transfer, gradual integration with electronics. First an implant that connects your brain to a computer interface. Then one that gives you extra neural capacity.

Your thoughts and memories move back and forth between biological and digital substrate. Over time you get more and more digital capacity and less biological until one day you are all computer. There would be no point where you go from one to the other. It is the ship of Theseus.