Future me is always grateful when past "exhusted" me does help out. I know we get busy and for other mental health does pose a big struggle. Keep in mind that, we all struggle in the beginning. Beginnings are hard, yet we gotta drag ourselves at first to build the habits that will help us improve. Easier said than done, but if we don't do it ourselves, no one will. We are our own super heros. Be proud of all those baby steps you have taken alone, be proud because you decided to get up of your bed and live your life another day. The struggle is real, but you won't allow it to defeat you!
CurvyNsexy08 t1_j4bhi4c wrote
Reply to Do it for future-you [Image] by wholesomecomics
Future me is always grateful when past "exhusted" me does help out. I know we get busy and for other mental health does pose a big struggle. Keep in mind that, we all struggle in the beginning. Beginnings are hard, yet we gotta drag ourselves at first to build the habits that will help us improve. Easier said than done, but if we don't do it ourselves, no one will. We are our own super heros. Be proud of all those baby steps you have taken alone, be proud because you decided to get up of your bed and live your life another day. The struggle is real, but you won't allow it to defeat you!