
Cymraegcakes t1_iv36hhi wrote

Ramon is a demon. Some would assume that he was some lost ghost, others would think that he was a mischievous imp. One thought he was the devil herself. However, all of those assumptions were wrong. Ramon was just a measly demon. And, to be frank, he was fine with that. Unlike the other demons, who would start wars and genocide on a whim, Ramon would take part in low-grade evil. Like causing power cuts, or repeatedly call the yellow house on Oak Street to see if they wanted double glazed windows (Ramon was particularly proud of that one). It helped pass time.

However, even low-grade evil eventually gets boring. Ramon had been hearing recently Down Below™️ that possession had been becoming quite a popular form of evil-doing for some demons (even the big bads like the seven deadly sins and beezlebub we’re taking part). ‘Maybe it’ll be a bit of fun?’ Thought Ramon.

Ramon thought carefully about whom he was going to possess. A popular choice amongst demons were priests, or those affiliated with God. Another popular choice were politicians. Ramon thought both were overrated and kinda boring.

A week and 30 cigarettes later, Ramon found his victim. It was an older guy, probably in his 30s, although judging by his fashion style and greyed hair, he could easily pass as 50. His eyes were sunken into his skull, and his furrowed eyebrows were just as bushy as his beard. He had some wrinkles here and there which sagged sadly. On the plus side, he had a particularly strong jawline. He wore a simple cream shirt with a brown leather jacket (which was torn and ripped, but got patched up with different materials) hanging over it. Accompanied were black-grey jeans with holes and a pair of discoloured, spruce boots. Overall, nothing about him was strange or out-of-the-ordinary. He was just a simple guy.

It was night. The pool of blue and black spilled into the sky and the stars twinkled. That was Ramon’s que. He slipped into the shadows. People say that a persons home reflects their state of mind. If this was true, then this guy was going through some rough times.

In the kitchen, dishes had overflowed the sink and was spilling onto the tabletops. The tabletops were coated in muck, grime and some unexplainable liquid that Ramon didn’t dare to taste. Ramon glanced down at the clothes left untouched for god knows how long. The only thing that looked clean and cared for was a framed photo of two children playing with some toys or something... The living room didn’t look much better. The TV blue screen illuminated the surrounding mess. Empty beer cans left on the coffee table and spilled on the carpet floor. The sofa looked patchy and discoloured. Even though this house was a mess, there wasn’t much furniture. Or much of anything in fact.

As Ramon was walking through, he heard a large thump in front of him. “Uhhhhh...” A large lump of flesh rolled over and started mumbling something about eggs. Ramon just stared. Not in terror, not in curiosity, he just stared. The guys eyes gazed back at Ramon. Eyes are usually referred to as the gateways to a persons mind, and this is mostly right by all accounts. Eyes, as it turns out, are actually the windows to a persons mind, the gateways being the nostrils. Demons have the uncanny ability to peek into said persons mind just by staring at their eyes. And Ramon had done exactly that.

Adam His name is Adam. “Evening Adam, I have come here to possess your body.”

“‘Bout time!”

“Excuse me?”

Adam had attempted to stand up, but failed miserably the first two times. His clothes were stained and stunk of alcohol and tobacco, his complexion was much paler and sickly than before, with his sunken eyes looking dull and lifeless. His wrinkles sagged more loosely and barely hung on his skeleton.

“What do yer wan’ then?”

Adam had managed to get a can of beer from the top of the fridge without falling over.

“Well I’ve come to possess your soul to fulfill the deed of the Devil” repeated Ramon.

“Ah, well...” Adam stared at the floor, “I’ve got notta’ to lose.”

Ramon stared, bewildered. No questions? No objections? Not even any reservations?! If possession was this easy, he should’ve started possessing people eons ago!

“I mean, I’ve got no job, no family, barely any money. I’m not exactly the best person to possess” added Adam, “Have you seen this place! It’s a fucking pigsty! To be honest I’ve got nothing going on with this life anymore-“

Adam took a pistol out of his pocket. A heavy, sinking feeling clouded Ramons head

“-I was gunna blow my fucking brains out!” Shouted Adam, “but possession isn’t half bad either. Although, i hope God or Satan, or whoever you fuckin’ believe in is on your side, cuz’ your gunna need it!”

Ramon looked in absolute disbelief, and guilt. He was having serious doubts about this. But he convinced himself it was some sort of a twisted act of service towards Adam.

“Well! What’re waiting for?!”

Ramon then possessed Adam.