
Cyneganders t1_ja9ey12 wrote

Did you really FU, though? You learned a lesson about yourself. You should take some god damned pride in that. You don't understand how many people get to twice your age without realizing things like this. If you want to see how far ahead of the crowd you are with this realization, go out to a club for older patrons and see how many guys (and tbh, ladies) in their 50s are still desperately chasing tail for the sake of it.


Cyneganders t1_j9erxph wrote

People say "fake it til you make it"; and it sounds clever. However, you're not faking it. You were hired for a reason. Someone believed in you enough to hire you over many other potential employees, so you must have something to you. You need to understand that you don't have to fake it, because the fact that you got the job means that you're not fake. Listen and learn, be a sponge. Then you'll usually understand why you were good enough to get the position in the first place, and you'll improve and be awesome!


Cyneganders t1_j8ndxl2 wrote

Because their entire crop of athletes is so full of PEDs that there's barely room for blood.

And now they've spent first Covid away from ADAs and also a year banned from sports so no ADAs.

Also, they use their athletes are dolls for their cult meetings that are televised, and they give them military ranks, and use them to show "Russian supremacy"...

Also, anybody who beats them is on drugs and it's a conspiracy and woe is on them and it's them vs the world.


Cyneganders t1_j6nil5b wrote


Cyneganders t1_j0uiymx wrote

Yes. I started reading crazy amounts as a small child, went on to read in English to such a degree that I read the Simarillion when I was 11 or so. This developed into degrees in literature and a shockingly good career as a translator.


Cyneganders t1_itq25qv wrote

Reply to Dorian Gray by JackMcBryde

Loved it.

We studied this one in Reception Theory, and the reception of it was such a product of the time, with each piece of writing reflecting what they knew/thought about Wilde and what had come out about his private life.


Cyneganders t1_itl3u5m wrote

Aha, I found it, in my inbox. (I recalled the name of the editor)

"Orwell’s flirt with reality" - I have to read it later to see what I was ranting about at the time. I got good feedback, so perhaps it wasn't a waste of ink!


Cyneganders t1_itl3etn wrote

I live in a different country now! Also, it wasn't for the university magazine, just one mostly populated by student and professors.

It was for the Norwegian magazine Bøygen (name from Ibsen's Peer Gynt) and I knew the editor of the issue. I don't even remember what I wrote, just that I totally loved the novel :)