CzernaZlata t1_iyf37t4 wrote
We love you Chris 💔 this post is how I learned this happened
CzernaZlata t1_ixom8oi wrote
Reply to I live in a town in Texas that doesn't exist. We have a disturbing annual ritual, and this year, it was my turn. by PappyStrangeLife
That's why you don't mess with the Texas Beef association i guess
CzernaZlata t1_ixgo4o1 wrote
Yeah, that place, there was a really good song about it, lots of fans, Lord I know I'm one.
Ps: are you saying there's an open lease in new Orleans for the bargain price of $1200 since you got your house?!?!!?
CzernaZlata t1_ixc78mw wrote
Wondering about her Photoshop skills now actually
CzernaZlata t1_iwyevle wrote
Reply to I recorded something very strange by withbite
That was some hero level compassion OP
CzernaZlata t1_iwj20tu wrote
Reply to The Mushroom by Spook_Berry
Wonder who tried that before you in your basement, ya know?
CzernaZlata t1_iwfkvg8 wrote
Gosh tooth problems can be so annoying m glad you got it figured out op
CzernaZlata t1_ivx4nph wrote
Sadie is such a good girl for leaving the beef alone
CzernaZlata t1_iyupgeg wrote
Reply to I'm a truck driver, and there's a reason why you should never drive on country roads. by Horror_writer_1717
I'm amazed they were still trying to escape after what you put them through. Happy trails