DCRealEstateAgent t1_jeci5r6 wrote
Reply to comment by Key_Ad_7299 in Glenmont redline racist incident march 30th, 2023 by Key_Ad_7299
I would update your post with these stops. I read it and thought Glenmont stop or nearby.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_jcx51za wrote
Reply to comment by poobly in 17-year-old shot and killed by US Park Police after fleeing traffic stop identified - WTOP News by thepulloutmethod
I went through training and home study to adopt from foster care. They make it very difficult. Goal is always bio parent reunification. It takes years to sever parental rights. And by then, the damage is done. It’s truly a horrible system.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_jcvaxvq wrote
Reply to 17-year-old shot and killed by US Park Police after fleeing traffic stop identified - WTOP News by thepulloutmethod
I can't envision how one officer ended up trapped in the car and the other one was dragged. I guess the one dragged was holding on to something? And are those officers okay I wonder.
Looks like the kid has been "critical missing" a bunch of times since he was younger. Parents probably never knew he was out stealing cars. Unbelievable that this is the city we live in.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_jcdpzk2 wrote
Reply to ShopHouse Southeast Asian Kitchen by BilliGirl01
My eyes are watering right now thinking about their spicy deliciousness. I have a good Shophouse story. Through the incompetence of a doctor, I was told I was in "early labor." After a day of getting the runaround, and not letting me eat, and telling me I was going to have to stay in the hospital for 7 more weeks, I got up and much to GW's dismay, walked right the F out. Then I got on the metro, went to Dupont and sat my ass down at Shophouse to eat. Husband calls, "Where are you?" me: On the metro. Him: You're in labor and on the metro? me: I'm not in freaking labor, I know what labor is and this isn't it. Now I'm hungry and I'm going to Shophouse. Him: you have literally turned into your father before my eyes...
DCRealEstateAgent t1_jab6qwo wrote
Reply to comment by pomegranatecloud in how to thrive in dc with no big city experience? by Fresh_Dragonfruit702
This is excellent advice right here.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_ja67t16 wrote
Reply to Why are these flags flying upside down? In Anacostia at the Educare while riding the Anacostia trail this morning. by tehruben
DCPS lost a young and very beloved teacher unexpectedly this week. Some flags were at half mast as a result. I don't know if this would be related.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zylcy wrote
Reply to comment by DrunkWoodchuck in Opinion | Is D.C. juvenile justice a revolving door? We need to know. by Maxcactus
You sound like a delightfully nasty person with so many solutions. Why not outline them for all of us so we can see how you’re going to fix the crime. Instead you pull a 7 year old pamphlet out of your ass and expect that it applies to kids who were 5 years old when it was written. Before a world pandemic. I’m dying laughing at what a moron you have proven yourself to be! 😂
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zw6hf wrote
Reply to comment by DrunkWoodchuck in Opinion | Is D.C. juvenile justice a revolving door? We need to know. by Maxcactus
It must be nice to live with your head so far up your ass that you think you can actually make a difference here in the lives of criminals. You can’t. Talk about being mind numbingly stupid. Good job. Can’t wait to see how you fix the city.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zvett wrote
Reply to comment by sc2212 in What Is It That Makes Used Bookstores So Wonderful? by zsreport
I remember buying books on Amazon from various used book stores and then went to Texas to visit a friend and drove by one of the bookstores I had purchased from. It was like I saw someone famous I was so excited!
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zv7ns wrote
Oh I could dance through there like it’s a slice of heaven!
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9ztreg wrote
Reply to comment by DrunkWoodchuck in Opinion | Is D.C. juvenile justice a revolving door? We need to know. by Maxcactus
I can’t worry about coming up with programs to undo the bad parenting that’s been in their life. I want to get them off the street once they commit a crime. I don’t want them committing another. It keeps the rest of us just a sliver safer. That’s all it’s about.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9znof0 wrote
Reply to comment by DrunkWoodchuck in Opinion | Is D.C. juvenile justice a revolving door? We need to know. by Maxcactus
That's ridiculous. Carjacking is unbelievably dangerous. How about the punishments for carjacking are the same as murder.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9zc9i9 wrote
Reply to comment by ehenning1537 in Opinion | Is D.C. juvenile justice a revolving door? We need to know. by Maxcactus
True. And from a school and Covid angle, we all felt and saw how many kids were home alone at very young ages because their parents were the mandatory workers in the city - police, fire, etc. It’s definitely a huge issue.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9z14mi wrote
Reply to comment by DC_Sun in Opinion | Is D.C. juvenile justice a revolving door? We need to know. by Maxcactus
Yea, definitely agree. But the issue is that this is infectious. So kids see and mimic.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9z0umy wrote
Reply to comment by Eagleburgerite in Opinion | Is D.C. juvenile justice a revolving door? We need to know. by Maxcactus
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9x4qpi wrote
DC offers the TAG program and finding is always shaky. You could start there.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9lvexx wrote
Reply to comment by CampEnough9700 in Scared of traveling to Washington DC, how do I calm my anxiety? by Unusual-Relief-9409
You’re prob the same person who cries how we need mental health support when there’s a mass shooting. Someone is scared and you see fit to make fun of them. Good job asshole.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9lan64 wrote
Reply to comment by Unusual-Relief-9409 in Scared of traveling to Washington DC, how do I calm my anxiety? by Unusual-Relief-9409
DC has a crime map. Check that out. You can view what types of crime happen, it’s helpful. There isn’t a place to avoid though unfortunately. It’s permeated all areas.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9l3a1r wrote
Reply to comment by CampEnough9700 in Scared of traveling to Washington DC, how do I calm my anxiety? by Unusual-Relief-9409
Laughing at someone with severe anxiety and making a blanket statement that they will be fine and DC is safe is really beyond the pale. You are awful.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9l36oe wrote
I've lived here a long time and I'm also surprised and scared of the crime here. I also think the comments making fun / laughing at this thread are pretty insensitive.
There are parts of the city I won't go to where I used to.
Don't walk and be staring at your phone. Keep money close to you and put some in your shoe. Leave any jewelry at home. The key is to keep your eyes and ears open.
Submitted by DCRealEstateAgent t3_1196vcw in books
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j9ga24y wrote
Reply to Issues with DC Unemployment Office by Big_Dish_7343
I don’t know much about this specific situation but knowing DC and how incompetent most agencies are, I would say to either keep calling or take it to the media. I think that’s the only thing that gets them moving these days.
Is it possible your prior employer did some bring to block your claim? I don’t know if that’s possible but just wondering.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j8zuvox wrote
This crime here is more ridiculous by the day. Middle school kids. Like middle school doesn’t suck enough, they get robbed too. I hope these f*ckers rot in hell.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_j6ntnwo wrote
Reply to comment by SuperBethesda in Life in Prison Plus 25 Years for Defendant Who Shot 21-Year-Old Man in Broad Daylight by SuperBethesda
MD is stricter on many fronts. In my area, construction and homebuilding - they don't play around.
DCRealEstateAgent t1_jecxdjo wrote
Reply to Why are people stealing trash cans? by oagirl9339
Spray paint your address all over it. That’s what we have all done in our neighborhood. It helps the cans find their way back when the trash co leaves them all over.