
DIY_Creative t1_ixia1ew wrote

Extremely unpopular opinion but wings are a trash piece of meat (ducks for downvotes). But seriously their value, especially at current prices is ridiculous for that piece of meat. That said, I do get a hankering for wings. Stinkys in Lawrenceville has decent wings. Fat Head's used to be the best in the city, not sure if they are anymore. Gateway Grill in Monroeville used to have good wings also! Sorry for unpopular opinion but if wings were still super cheap bar food then meh, but at their cost, it's trash.


DIY_Creative t1_iuhvh22 wrote

Not particularly, unfortunately. It was in their infancy stage before they were even bringing a cpg to market. They were still developing tech but were actively growing microgreens. This is before they rebranded as Fifth Season or even moved to Braddock. It seem like a group of young, very smart kids who were being given lots of vc money but didn't have really good sense of what it meant to run a company, hr practices, hiring and retaining people. The one kicker for me was part of offer, in lieu of actual money, was an investment in the company. I said, nah pay me market value for the position, but their offer had a % of that salary as investment. Mixed with long hours, overworked, etc. I said thanks but no thanks. In my dealings they seemed a little in over their heads. They did say their long range idea WAS to sell the tech, but perhaps that changed as they moved on.


DIY_Creative t1_iugdxx5 wrote

Holy fuck! I called this about...3ish years ago. Literally said to my partner they'll be closed within 5 years. I interviewed for a fairly high up position when they were still, ummmm crap I can't remember the name before they rebranded to Fifth Season and started the farm in Braddock. I got an offer but declined bc it just wasn't a good fit for me personally and I could see the "overworked, underpaid, work long hours, long days, etc., etc." vibes written all over it (as any VC tech startup has I suppose). It just wasn't for me.


DIY_Creative t1_isxhtt4 wrote

Ohio is great! There are a lot of suggestions in the thread for outdoorsy stuff but if you're looking for city life any of Cleveland, Columbus or Cincy are fantastic (though Cincy would be a little outside your 2 - 4 hours drive time).

Cleveland - art museum is free, they have great breweries and food too

Cincy - American Sign Museum is a MUST see; Cincy Zoo and Botanical Garden is fantastic; Gaslight District is a cool, quieter hip spot; Over the rhine is a cool, but busy neighborhood; Skyline Chili, Graeter's, goetta