DJWGibson t1_iy4mbae wrote
Reply to comment by TechNickL in A conversation on a bathroom wall by Pcolocoful
It’s actually the opposite. We know who started (or at least popularized) the “defund the police” phrase and they meant it as “abolish the police” but felt using “defund” made it seem easier to swallow
DJWGibson t1_iy3ja4g wrote
Reply to comment by Benu5 in A conversation on a bathroom wall by Pcolocoful
It kinda is a fantasy.
Even countries with the lowest crime rates in the world such as (Iceland, Japan, Switzerland) have police. Society doesn't work without some law enforcement.
You can have universal basic income, increased funding for social workers, decriminalization of drug abuse, and other good programs but there's still going to be bad actors, crimes of passion, angry drunks, and just plain greedy assholes trying to take advantage of others.
DJWGibson t1_iy2afiy wrote
Reply to A conversation on a bathroom wall by Pcolocoful
At least they're being honest when they specify they don't just want to defund the police but also abolish them entirely and prisons.
I'm sure that will work out well...
DJWGibson t1_iy1h3on wrote
Reply to I got the wrong LEGO pieces for my set by TheArcher888
Are you sure you didn't use those pieces by mistake earlier in the build?
Go back and check.
Every time I've though Lego has screwed up, it's been me not being very careful. Or my cat...
DJWGibson t1_ixt83q7 wrote
Reply to A book store here is having these surprise books - you don't know what you get until you open it up. by extrafarts44
It's a fun idea for a library.
Less good for a bookstore, as it'll almost always be trash they can't give away.
DJWGibson t1_iw90pkw wrote
Reply to Texas homeowner says 'hooker' ghosts have taken over rental property: 'They're trying to stir up business' by The_R3venant
>"We’ve got kids, and we’ve got old people, old guys, and we’ve got hookers," she told host Jesse Watters. The most common type of ghost that comes around are "hookers," Hill claimed. Male renters, she said, have told her they have felt somebody stroking their face, stroking their arm or touching their shoulder.
So... because they're women who touch people, they're hookers? I think this says more about the homeowner than the ghost.
It's also funny that description implies anyone who isn't old or a kid is a hooker.
DJWGibson t1_iw14aig wrote
This headline is fantastic.
DJWGibson t1_iufl9sl wrote
Reply to Why are Canadians so bad at spelling? by glassmemama
It's spelt "eh."
DJWGibson t1_iu9v0dz wrote
Is the interesting thing the sign or the graffiti on the sign?
DJWGibson t1_irvngmk wrote
Reply to UC Berkeley to offer new course about Nicki Minaj spring 2023; Artist says she'd 'love to stop by' by Moug-10
"Okay class, today we're staring Chapter 3. Please open your textbook, turn to page 69, and read Her Cousin's Friend's Balls*."*
DJWGibson t1_iy4vzd0 wrote
Reply to comment by TechNickL in A conversation on a bathroom wall by Pcolocoful
Well, I can’t direct you to any anarchist, but there’s the advocacy group Black Visions Collective and people like the author of this editorial: