
DJWGibson t1_iy3ja4g wrote

It kinda is a fantasy.

Even countries with the lowest crime rates in the world such as (Iceland, Japan, Switzerland) have police. Society doesn't work without some law enforcement.

You can have universal basic income, increased funding for social workers, decriminalization of drug abuse, and other good programs but there's still going to be bad actors, crimes of passion, angry drunks, and just plain greedy assholes trying to take advantage of others.


DJWGibson t1_iw90pkw wrote

>"We’ve got kids, and we’ve got old people, old guys, and we’ve got hookers," she told host Jesse Watters. The most common type of ghost that comes around are "hookers," Hill claimed. Male renters, she said, have told her they have felt somebody stroking their face, stroking their arm or touching their shoulder.

So... because they're women who touch people, they're hookers? I think this says more about the homeowner than the ghost.

It's also funny that description implies anyone who isn't old or a kid is a hooker.