
DJ_Spark_Shot t1_jaenucx wrote

The switch will trip the GFI if connected. Outdoor should already have a GFI on the un-switched circuit. You can't run 2gfi on the same circuit, so be sure there isn't another outlet on that circuit. They can get pretty weird, particularly on 50's-70's construction.

My deck outlet is run through the GFI in the master bath, the half bath is run through the basement/ sump gfi and the kitchen isn't protected so we're having to get a gfi panel breaker during the upcoming remodel.


DJ_Spark_Shot t1_j1a8vec wrote

Tritium is produced in the reactor as He-3 decays and the neutrons collide with deuterium. That said, I'd be curious why tritium would be a target atom. I suspect that is just an acceptable contaminant from the deuterium concentration process.

Tritium would set off fission reactions that cause radioactive byproducts. A significant reason to go fusion is the lack of radioactive waste products.


DJ_Spark_Shot t1_iut0qfz wrote

I needed this right now. It reminded me of another quote I try to always be mindful of:

"There are many chains which bind us; the so called 'natural laws', the set passage of time, the vessel we think of as our body, the spirit we think of as the mind. These are the chains that bind all living things. These are the bonds from which we cannot break free. But did you know there is one chain that humans can wield all on their own?" ...

"Indeed. Frightening things, these words. Once they have left a person's lips they cannot be returned. Once heard, they can never be ignored. Still, people throw them out far too lightly; often unaware of the chains they create. Words are alive and they have the power to change the course of a person's future."

"It is not only the words we say aloud that bind. Often it is the words we think to ourselves that are the most powerful of all. "

-Yuuko Ichihara, xxxHolic