DYTTIGAF t1_j6pgawr wrote
Revenue down 400% this year. Never saw this coming.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6pfxab wrote
You know the SPY is going to wipe saw tomorrow. Right?
Your leaving money on the table.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6p9tvn wrote
Reply to comment by Affectionate_Egg_173 in Tomorrow’s Fed announcement will likely disappoint anyone waiting in suspense by [deleted]
You got it.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6oycm3 wrote
The Federal Reserve has broadcasted a .25 increase tomorrow. This is the 6th hike (in less a year) and the issues now are both financial and philosophical.
The Federal Reserve sent in trillions into the economy in a short period of time and the result was inflation (that could not be controlled with simple policy statements). It's real. It's pernicious. It's not transitory.
The act of fixing this cancer will not be a quick dose of chemotherapy. You cannot raise rates (in a short period of time) and hope to correct monetary policy decisions that took decades to install. Inflation is a deadly virus of price appreciation that does not give a shit about your timeline for opening up the liquidity again.
No easy money by December. Nope. It's just not going to happen. The marketplace has yet to realize this truth. Shoving a few rate increases down the throat of the economy hoping to make things "all better" is not a realistic policy solution.
The acceptance of what's ahead has not been priced into assets. The next rate hike is going to put people's jobs at risk (if they continue to hold onto the pleasant fiction that things are going back to normal by the end of the year).
DYTTIGAF t1_j6ojczv wrote
Reply to SNAP yolo? by Bhalskar
SNAP earning down 400% last reporting period according to Yahoo Finance.
"The trend is your friend...Don't fight the Federal Reserve". Two good pieces of truth to live and trade by in my experience.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6mqu8o wrote
Reply to comment by AcceptableEnd8715 in Put them in their place daddy Powell. by Garweft
DYTTIGAF t1_j6mq4iy wrote
Reply to Put them in their place daddy Powell. by Garweft
Papa Powell will bring discipline to the unruly teenagers who think they have control of his "house".
They are tourists (these Masters of the Universe). The pimp hand of capital formation and the landlord who "rents" money is now exerting his authority.
Let the thumb sucking and gnashing of teeth begin.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6mmmzb wrote
Reply to 'Twas the night before the rate hike! by TendyChaser
A rate hike into an overleveraged zombie debt bubble economy is positive for what reasons again?
Oh. There're no benefits to paying more to "rent" money. Similarly they're no benefits to paying more for food, gas, hookers, and blow.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6lot0l wrote
Reply to comment by epradox in Tesla sucks, Elon musk sucks, the whole company sucks. by putridfries
Unfortunately the spontaneity is restricted to making sure you stay close to home and don't run out of juice.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6lo3qb wrote
Reply to comment by ImplementLife8636 in Golden cross’s coming ? by [deleted]
It's now apparent to the entire investing world that valuing Tesla to be worth more that the collective value of every single car company on the planet might not have been such a good idea.
So...Tesla is down 50% in the last couple of months. And it has another 40% to go...to even get close to its real valuation.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6lml52 wrote
Reply to Golden cross’s coming ? by [deleted]
You mean "incoming"? Right?
As in incoming....to hit the ground after being shot out of a cannon...and now it's falling to earth.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6lm9vf wrote
Reply to comment by Rich_Potato_2457 in Tesla sucks, Elon musk sucks, the whole company sucks. by putridfries
Yes. Curbside at the dumpster.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6lkwfr wrote
I took an Uber here in Austin, Texas right before Christmas. The car was a Tesla. The interior of this vehicle felt like it was assembled at a third rate community college manufacturing shop class.
It just felt cheap. It had no soul. This was a new model according to the driver. My view: it felt like a golf cart with a roof on it.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6lk4hv wrote
Reply to Costco - Prices are 20% high. Organic Milk during shortage/COVID was raised to $9.99 per gallon and today it was 11.99 per gallon by MogamboKushhua468
It's time to milk the cat. Just saying...
DYTTIGAF t1_j6ks0ea wrote
Reply to comment by RoastPsyduck in Just gonna leave it here for Thursday - May papa Pow have mercy on thy soul by flying_cofin
It would be funny if they slapped down a full point on the table. That would wake up the game.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6k992m wrote
Reply to Just gonna leave it here for Thursday - May papa Pow have mercy on thy soul by flying_cofin
Papa Pow has now turned into the Grim Reaper. He's coming to collect souls. Federal Reserve knows it has lost the respect of the capital markets.
They will deliver .25 of additional pain. The Masters of the Universe will say: "Thank you, sir. May we have another!".
DYTTIGAF t1_j6k4d11 wrote
Reply to comment by ry15133 in Hindenburg research of Carvana: time to buy puts! by Jshbone12
Yes. It aged badly. Short squeeze is on. This trade is not about fundamentals. It's now about synthetic shares, and dark pools.
This could pop to $21.00 real fast.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6jdcpk wrote
Reply to comment by InvalidIceberg in Hindenburg research of Carvana: time to buy puts! by Jshbone12
No. They're going tonPepsiCo distributors to deliver cars...and filling the soda dispensers.
They'll make a car delivery on Wednesday. Promise.
DYTTIGAF t1_j6ja8bh wrote
Why didn't you come to this conclusion when Carvana was $200.00 a share (just as the Federal Reserve promised to raise interest rates 5 times in November 2021).
Just saying....
DYTTIGAF t1_j6gbk6f wrote
Reply to Guru whooroo by Exonerated_living
You have to buy the course (in order to get the discount on the monthly subscription to the news letter).
Plus...you obviously want to be in the Insiders Club which gives you a chance to bid on the tickets for the private/access VIP table at all the traders conferences.
Wait a minute....this is the same model the Republicans and Democrats follow during a fund raising drive. I must be becoming aware the world is nothing...but fraud and deception?
Wait. What? You mean there's no Santa Claus?
DYTTIGAF t1_j69s6hi wrote
Sorry. CPT doesn't bust rhythm with such precision.
DYTTIGAF t1_j66o13u wrote
One.word: Hedge.
DYTTIGAF t1_j66lwlu wrote
Reply to Recession indicator by totallynotagenius
I never thought they actually used "real" eggs in the first place. Wow. My faith has been restored.
Wonderful news!
DYTTIGAF t1_j66g7jd wrote
Pay your fine. Next....
DYTTIGAF t1_j9bjlk5 wrote
Reply to Just want to get to the carvana earnings s*** show by rocket_man19
Carvana isn't in the used car business. They are in the note securitization business (which means they lend money on used cars to consumers who can qualify and bundle those thousands of notes and sell the bundled pile as a financial product).
Carvana needs volume. They need a pipeline of notes and that requires a pipeline of sales. This requires a pipeline of people who can qualify on a 11% car loan that is almost $40,000. This is now a very small percentage of consumers. Most are carrying credit card, mortgage, student loan, and miscellaneous personal debt that could choke a pig.
The Federal Reserve is getting ready to raise rates again in June. Carvana's models worked at 2% interest rates. They don't work at 11%.
Carvana is dead.