
DaddyCatALSO t1_j1ksras wrote

Purtians obsevred Christmas as a serious-minded church observance. They did have holidays (like the origina Plymouth Thanksgiving,) but not on church festivals. Even into th emid-1800s, Christmas observances in ?New England tended to be very subdued, unlike in areas with large German, Dutch, and to some extent Northern Irish ethnic populations,


DaddyCatALSO t1_izm55w5 wrote

No the Quakers oriignaiuted in England, I mean t the Mennonites, Amish, Ephrata 7th Day Baptists, Schwenkfelders etc. , evne the Moravians were almsot plain-style int hsoe days. The Brehtren/Dunkards cmae over later becuase they originated later


DaddyCatALSO t1_iv3uxhe wrote

Savoy-Sardinia basically conquered the rest of Italy in a relatively few years after local nationalists had weakened the despots. Prussia sort of did the same in Norths Germany , states that joined an alliances against it ceased to exist after the wars (the ones i feel worst about are Hanover, Hesse-Kassel, Frankfurt and Anhalt-Zerbst,), but it took centuries and they ran up against th e Southern and other unbreakable states. And this is probably irrelevant crap.