
Daddy_Macron t1_je6u3xh wrote

Bold claims require evidence. The Polio vaccine has been safely administered for over half a century now and if not for anti-vax sentiment and some politically unstable areas of the world, the disease would have been eliminated by now. Cities of old used to be full of shops that sold crutches and walking assists for the victims of the disease, prior to the vaccine.


Daddy_Macron OP t1_jdvrh0c wrote

>Ashley, a 28-year-old accountant, is planning to quit her job at a New York insurance company. After seeing a LinkedIn ad for a new role on her team that revealed new recruits will be paid more than her, she hired a career coach to help her change industries.

>“It is the biggest slap in the face,” said Ashley, who asked that her last name be withheld because she is not authorised to speak publicly about her pay negotiations.

>“Ever since then, I don’t work a minute over 40 hours,” she added. “I do not stay late online. I will not take on extra work.”

>Ashley’s employer is among a growing number facing upset staff after posting salary information to job sites.

>New York City’s pay transparency law took effect in November and was followed by similar laws in Washington, California and Rhode Island earlier this year, in a trend that has undone longstanding taboos about discussing salaries in the workplace. A similar law took effect in Colorado in 2021.

>As a result, the share of US job postings that include salary ranges has more than doubled since 2020. Some 43.7 per cent of US job postings on Indeed contained salary ranges last month, up from 18.4 per cent in February 2020.

>Though laws vary state to state, most require that advertisements for any roles that could be based in those jurisdictions contain salary ranges in hopes of reducing discrimination. But since many organisations do not share internal salary data, the postings have given workers their first glimpse at how their peers might be paid. Many, like Ashley, were unhappy with what they learned.

>“What makes employers think that the current employees are going to be motivated to do better when they see that someone else on day one is getting the salary that they should have gotten three years ago?” she said.

>Business leaders said the regulations could not have come at a worse time. The labour shortage sparked by the Covid-19 pandemic has inflated salaries, meaning that in order to land new hires, companies are offering higher salaries than many of their existing staff are making for similar roles.

>Before New York City enacted its own pay transparency law, lobbyists warned that they could create conflict in teams and remove incentives for employees to work hard.

>Citibank came under scrutiny after one of its contract user experience writers complained on Twitter that she had spotted a LinkedIn ad for her own role paying at least $32,000 more than her $85,000 salary. She applied.

>“I was pretty upset because that was the exact salary range that I was targeting when I applied for this job [and did not get],” said 25-year-old Kimberly Nguyen.

>In a meeting called after a teamwide group chat turned hostile, Citi managers told the writers the pay disparity was because they were contractors instead of full-time employees and that the role would not be filled.

>A Citi spokesperson said that the salary range in the job description Nguyen saw was for a UX writer with five to eight years more experience than she has. They also said the staffing agency that hired Nguyen had negotiated her salary.

>Activists and community leaders argue that the laws provide vital information to women and employees of colour who otherwise might not have the professional connections to know what kind of salary to negotiate for. Illinois, Oregon and Kentucky are weighing pay disclosure rules of their own.

>But from the moment New York City’s law went into effect in November, workers complained that the published salary ranges were too broad to be useful. Some ranges had a difference of more than $200,000 between the high and low ends. And bonuses, which can account for a substantial part of a banker’s pay, do not have to be disclosed.

>The salary ranges “answer one question but raise several others”, said Tauseef Rahman, a partner at consulting firm Mercer which specialises in pay equity. “Now you know the pay range. The question becomes: ‘What does it take to move up in that pay range?’”

>Rahman said candidates were often offended because the companies rarely made offers at the high end of the stated range.

>But those most upset about the disclosures are the firms’ existing staff. Alan Goldstein, a New York-based executive recruiter, said Wall Street human resource executives blamed the transparency for a wave of resignations after bonuses were paid out at the end of February.

>“It upset a lot of people,” he added.

>Not all employers say that the transparency laws make managing people more difficult. Small business owners, who have struggled to hire throughout the Covid crisis, say that promoting competitive pay ranges has helped them lure applicants away from larger, more prestigious firms.

>Lilian Chen, founder of New York-based company Bar None Games which hosts team-building events, said since posting salary ranges fewer applications had come in, but those she had received were better suited to the roles.

>“There have been times where we will have a candidate who seems like they’re really good and then we get on calls and the salary comes up and it’s just not a good fit,” said Chen, referring to applicants who withdraw because pay is lower than they expected. “And we kind of just wasted both our time.”

>It is unclear how much workers have benefited from the new salary information. All Nguyen was able to secure from Citi was a performance review, but she said it had been delayed twice. Though Nguyen is still at Citi, she is actively searching for a new job and has become an advocate for a federal pay transparency law.

>Many Wall Street banks are shedding staff, making it more difficult for disgruntled workers to find another job at a higher rate, said Goldstein.

>Still, Nguyen said that workers were unlikely to back down.

>“The chaos on my team could proactively be resolved if they just brought everybody’s pay up to par. The whole thing is a manager problem. It’s not mine.”


Daddy_Macron t1_jdvf5qu wrote

>“You have to be careful with that subculture,” Lieber told The Post editorial board in February, derisively referring to the researchers. “Those people get a lot of their cost information from the Internet.”

I can literally see his greasy face and self-satisfied smirk in my head as he said this.


Daddy_Macron t1_jdcybhj wrote

Battery degradation isn't that big an issue since EV battery packs aren't like your phone battery and have active battery management systems to keep batteries at the optimal temperature and current. (Except the Nissan Leaf. Those EV's have issues with battery longevity.) Just about all major EV manufacturers offer 8 year, 100,000 mile battery warranties for a reason.

Most cop cars are just sitting still for basically the whole day and they're not in use 24/7/365. Incorporating slow charging into them sitting at a corner for half a day would be a breeze. This city is already building out curbside chargers. My neck of the woods got 3 stations with 6 charging cables and the cops in the neighborhood can just change where they idle their car by a block or two if they need a charge.


Daddy_Macron t1_jdcrnlr wrote

> If they get into a crash, you would need to scrap the entire car as the battery may be damaged.

If you get to the point where the crash damages the battery, it would have probably scrapped an equivalent internal combustion car as well. Fender benders don't take EV's out of commission and the battery pack is usually built into the structure that to damage it, you'd have to damage the car at a structural level.

>EVs are also more expensive than ICE cars.

Upfront, but the cost of operations is more important to an organization that uses them nearly everyday. Lower cost of energy and less maintenance alone will save more than the additional purchase price.


Daddy_Macron t1_jdcppbb wrote

These are probably money savers in the long-run. Less maintenance and way less energy wasted when idling which is 90% of a cop's day. When I idled for an hour in an EV with the AC blasting, it used up less than 2% of the battery. Doing it in a gas car would have used up 0.5-1 gallon of gas.


Daddy_Macron t1_jbbtuj5 wrote

If you rank NYC's budget by national budgets worldwide, we'd rank 41st in expenditures ahead of the Philippines. And if you account for the fact that the NYC government doesn't have to provide for its own defense or the biggest two parts of social spending (Social Security and Medicare), what we get for that money starts looking pretty bad.


Daddy_Macron t1_j7lbeqz wrote

The source is from 2009 but assuming they've mostly stayed the same, those salaries are extremely low. First year attorneys in Big Law often make more than those people. The comp package for entry level jobs in Big Tech also equal that pay.

And these are executives with far more on their plate than some first year associate. No wonder leadership is shit. We pay them less than people starting their first jobs.


Daddy_Macron t1_j4s3by1 wrote

>Cheng was a member of the Asian Hate Crime Task Force when it was first formed in 2020. A year earlier, he was named vice president when the department’s Asian-American Police Executives Council was created.

Dumbass decided to lie and cheat with a high profile. Don't accept those positions if you wanna keep your OT abuse scheme going.


Daddy_Macron t1_iy4a00b wrote

> It’s an education issue.

And where does this cultural relativism end? They're not incapable of learning how to live in another country for God's sake. That's just infantilizing them. When they come to this country, they learn to follow our other laws like traffic laws and laws regarding sending their children to K-12 school. Why not laws protecting women from abuse and assault?


Daddy_Macron t1_ixdoi7e wrote

I'm glad your neighborhood is wealthy enough to not get them, but we got far more violent fucks and strung out addicts roaming around Chinatown these days, messing with the local people who are just trying to get by. I'm sure the women and elderly love hearing threats from the homeless that they'll beat them up or rape them. And the street harassment has gone through the roof. Vendors getting threatened by the homeless for free food and money far more frequently now. I've even seen some abandon their usual spots. Homeless fuck with local businesses like parking themselves outside of stores, making it inaccessible for customers, until they get paid off. I've heard and seen it with my own ears and eyes, so don't try to fucking gaslight me. And this is one of the city's poorest neighborhood.

Check my profile if you'd like. I'm consistently YIMBY, anti-conservative, and pro-social safety net, but I'm tired to fucking braindead Progressive policies without the slightest thought to their consequences and this woke scolding of anyone who dares to bring it up.


Daddy_Macron t1_ixdj55d wrote

As opposed to our current famously transparent and non-corrupt system? Somehow cities and towns around America can hire city and town managers without issue, prosecuting and stripping licenses away from those who are found to be corrupt, but NYC is just too special to that?

Meanwhile we're the city where it costs $2,500 to plant one fucking tree, we're having a fiscal crisis despite receiving over $100 Billion in revenue every year, and we have the biggest law industry in the country cause everything that will improve the city is mired in lawsuits all the time. The current system of letting retired car salesmen and stay at home moms run local government is working great. Who needs corrupt experts and specialists? The city is easy to run.


Daddy_Macron t1_ixdf0k8 wrote

How about we don't mire every local government decision in endless hours of meetings? How about the local community votes for hiring experts on relevant issues like zoning, sewage, infrastructure, and education to represent the community's interests instead of leaving it to the local retired Karen's to do it (and inefficiently at that.)


Daddy_Macron t1_ixdd33l wrote

The only developers that can survive in this market are large ones with extensive portfolios that can survive NIMBY delays. Of course cue the local activists and Progressives that then cry about large developers when their actions are the biggest gift that they can receive.


Daddy_Macron t1_ixdchtx wrote

Local community meetings that set things like agenda are purposely held at inconvenient times for anyone who's not retired, stay at home, or a full-time activist. It's not easy to participate in local politics for anyone who has have a family with children, irregular or extended work hours, or doesn't have the free time to stay around in a meeting for 3+ hours.


Daddy_Macron t1_ixdbh1z wrote

Nobody said that. But there are clear downsides to homeless shelters that Progressives from upper middle class backgrounds are more than happy to ignore and pretend the people opposing them in their neighborhoods are heartless monsters. Unless we actually fix some of the fucking issues related to a spike in crime, drug use, and harassment around homeless shelters, we're going to end up with stronger local resistance over time.