
Daddydeader t1_jegbqrz wrote

The staff will typically keep a record of who called (often verifying the address to make sure they are constituents), what they are calling about, and for/against.

This is also done with faxes, emails, and on the web form.

If it is something that gets lots of people calling in, as in far higher than normal, the representative may choose to view it as a reason to vote a certain way. They are, unfortunately, not obligated to do so. This tactic is especially effective during election years as they may see it affecting their reelection.


Daddydeader t1_j9qilou wrote

It's to normalize a lack of choice for the population. Next it will be clothing choices or vaccines or crossing state lines.

It is also to counter the declining population in the worst way possible.

And finally, it's to keep people poor helping to create a permanent underclass. Preferably one that will view military service as a step up.