Dadfart802 t1_izkq8di wrote
Reply to comment by Nutmegdog1959 in UVM Students Charged for 'Extreme' Dorm Damages by Hazmat1575
I agree with you 1000%!!!!
Dadfart802 t1_izhdipi wrote
Reply to comment by Nutmegdog1959 in UVM Students Charged for 'Extreme' Dorm Damages by Hazmat1575
Agreed, but there is a HUGE need for tradespeople in this state, but lack of housing is hurting growth in this state.
Dadfart802 t1_izfx2qb wrote
Reply to comment by Nutmegdog1959 in UVM Students Charged for 'Extreme' Dorm Damages by Hazmat1575
I didn’t add that bc, people pay rent regardless. 2nd, UVM accepts in state credit more often than not they don’t. 3rd, there are 82 VT high schools vs around 2200 UVM students from VT, half of which are going for free.
My kid is probably going to get the G & G but won’t be attending UVM because she’s got better offers OOS. Back to your original point, UVM is expensive but not unaffordable. As for equity, the UVM promise makes it so anyone who’s parents make under 60k a year, can attend for free. It’s easy to say that college is unaffordable, but if you dig in a little, that’s just not true.
Dadfart802 t1_izex1h4 wrote
Reply to comment by Nutmegdog1959 in UVM Students Charged for 'Extreme' Dorm Damages by Hazmat1575
19 grand a year? Hardly unaffordable for what you get. Half of VT attendees go for free? Out of reach is just not true especially when you add in the fact you can get credits in HS or CCV and they count towards your degree.
Dadfart802 t1_iw0e1rt wrote
Reply to comment by vtdadbod007 in Uninsured motorist crashed into neighbors house and fled the scene by orangekrush19
You too, drink in those downvotes
Dadfart802 t1_ivytq3d wrote
Reply to comment by sneakpeekbot in Uninsured motorist crashed into neighbors house and fled the scene by orangekrush19
I’m all good bot
Dadfart802 t1_ivytlpn wrote
Reply to comment by vtdadbod007 in Uninsured motorist crashed into neighbors house and fled the scene by orangekrush19
Don’t let r/burlington see this lest you besmirch lipstick city and their poor, misunderstood addicts. I
Dadfart802 t1_iva6kvu wrote
Reply to Allegedly. . . by BeneficialQuestion75
You're fucking two-ply bud. Malloy that is
Dadfart802 t1_iuorjbo wrote
Change the punishment to exile by trebuchet.
Dadfart802 t1_iuk6p74 wrote
After two viagaras
Dadfart802 t1_iujorpk wrote
Reply to Montana, a very conservative state, prohibits firing employees at will. Why doesn't Vermont have a similar law? by yhl-cis
Because 49 other states don’t have this law probably
Dadfart802 t1_iuez966 wrote
Reply to comment by Twombls in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
And they denied it too. If you’re going to be racist, own that shit.
Dadfart802 t1_iudi3v0 wrote
Reply to comment by zapbrannigan13 in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
Parade was low energy, but to be fair, it’s the first parade in a couple years. Not a lot of music and the Rec are a bunch of buzzkills not allowing people to hand out candy. And I tripped over a guy nodding off on heroin, but who am I to judge.
Dadfart802 t1_iudhrfj wrote
Reply to comment by FyuckerFjord in Can't unsee (explained in comments) by FyuckerFjord
That and Icehouse, what shit beers, thanks for the 90’s memory.
Dadfart802 t1_iudbh4r wrote
Reply to comment by FyuckerFjord in Can't unsee (explained in comments) by FyuckerFjord
This is a bigger leap than my friend in high school that was convinced if you turned the Red Dog beer label upside down it looked like Batman going down on a girl.
Dadfart802 t1_iudamaz wrote
Reply to comment by zapbrannigan13 in Malloy Trash. I’m so sick of seeing these pop up all over Chester and Springfield. Seriously, it is beyond ridiculous the amount of signs everywhere. by BeneficialQuestion75
Can we talk about his float in the damn Halloween parade last night? There were too many political floats on both sides, but his stupid signs are everywhere. Furthermore, I've only seen one Malloy sign on anyone's lawn (my MAGA neighbor) signs are plastered everywhere they shouldn't be like city property and you just know that they'll still be up after election day.
Dadfart802 t1_iu4olhi wrote
Reply to comment by nakedspacesanta in Are video games bad for children? New UVM research says maybe not by nakedspacesanta
What’s that got to do with the price of tea in China? Too much video games is bad for adults too.
Dadfart802 t1_iu21623 wrote
Reply to comment by nakedspacesanta in Are video games bad for children? New UVM research says maybe not by nakedspacesanta
If you're neglecting your responsibilities, then yes.
Dadfart802 t1_iu0r3ga wrote
They’re bad for your kid like anything when they do too much of it. I loved my Nintendo when I was a kid but got sick of it after an hour or two and never in the summer unless it was raining. Moderation is key
Dadfart802 t1_is28vd0 wrote
Illicit market lol
Dadfart802 t1_j23r4dx wrote
Reply to UVM too expensive by Constant_Education_4
It’s been this way for everyone except, “checks notes” your generation. Wake up