Daggmaskar t1_iuh6ldy wrote
Reply to comment by pegothejerk in Richard Branson declines invitation to debate death penalty with Shanmugam, says TV format 'turns serious debate into spectacle' by chronoistriggered
Bird law in this country is not governed by reason.
Daggmaskar t1_j6lm5ik wrote
Reply to comment by Klotzster in The last hour of Cast Away is devastating and beautiful by PastMiddleAge
Yeah that's the only gripe I have with the movie but I guess it's understandable. It doesn't seem very long because the story is so engaging but it's 2 hour and 28 minutes, at a certain point you just gotta trim the fat from the script. And a scene with his rescuers probably wouldn't have accomplished anything that the scene onboard the private jet talking with his old friend/colleague didn't.