DamnBunny t1_jdu8pua wrote
Reply to Joburg pastor still dead, despite entire year awaiting resurrection in morgue by mechsuit-jalapeno
Well...He ain't getting any deader; back to work.
DamnBunny t1_jbh7e5c wrote
Reply to An anime actress with nearly 1 million Twitter followers tweeted out a guide telling her fans to bathe before coming to her concert by JayBaggins
Worked as security, I agree.
TAKE A BATH! I don't mean drowning in Axe Shower in a Can either. The smell alone makes me give wrong directions. Like to the Shower Room.
DamnBunny t1_jaz9i1u wrote
Reply to Pa. lawmaker accused of sexual harassment says he won’t resign, will seek treatment for ‘illness’ by Responsible_Meet_528
Isn't that what the monkey did in South Park?
DamnBunny t1_jaxdjk6 wrote
Reply to Boris Johnson's partygate bash dismissed as just 'soggy sandwiches and a slice of birthday cake' by ally by nimobo
I could have a roll of toilet paper being only thing to offer at the party. And it's Still a party regardless of how many people showed up disappointed.
DamnBunny t1_jaiirhp wrote
Reply to Ric Flair to be the face of cannabis products for erectile dysfunction from Mike Tyson's weed company by WamBlamLufba
DamnBunny t1_ja6id8b wrote
DamnBunny t1_ja56zon wrote
Reply to comment by eNonsense in Volkswagen says company requiring payment for location of abducted child near Libertyville was ‘serious breach of policy’ by 2_Sheds_Jackson
And there are those who profit from it because its expected to. I know when I am being gaslit by my boss.
DamnBunny t1_ja3yo3z wrote
Reply to comment by eNonsense in Volkswagen says company requiring payment for location of abducted child near Libertyville was ‘serious breach of policy’ by 2_Sheds_Jackson
When it comes to saving a few dollars, and overworking them. Yes that is what I call an intention.
"Oops, our bad. Won't happen again. We're sorry."
Aren't you just tired of hearing that? I understand that hindsight isn't always 20/20 but they could at least paid attention. (no pun intended)
DamnBunny t1_ja3vg8q wrote
Reply to comment by eNonsense in Volkswagen says company requiring payment for location of abducted child near Libertyville was ‘serious breach of policy’ by 2_Sheds_Jackson
They were doing their job. Remember corporations will do anything to ensure they are never liable. Even badly train their employees to just follow the script. Someone had to write that script for them to even say something as, "Sorry You Didn't Pay, Bye."
DamnBunny t1_ja1ld1v wrote
Reply to Amazon has a donkey meat problem by WildVelociraptor
That man has issues.
DamnBunny t1_ja1kojx wrote
Reply to Volkswagen says company requiring payment for location of abducted child near Libertyville was ‘serious breach of policy’ by 2_Sheds_Jackson
Yeah we be happy to find your child...FOR MONEY!
DamnBunny t1_j9ly6zi wrote
Reply to Doctor has sex with patient in emergency department toilets 'to help with chest pain' by alyaaz
America is paying way too much for healthcare and we never get that treatment. And if you are looking to get railed, wait til you see your bill.
DamnBunny t1_j9cm65u wrote
Sounds like from the comments below, they didn't have any trouble to begin with. And since I can make Disneyland look like a Horror film on Camera, edit it out, then upload it. I really doubt no one can be fooled between the exaggeration and the real thing if you've been there. But behold, I can make Photos look like no one is at the rides, I can make it the ticket booth look desolate, And if I go to the break room I could make some serious nightmare fuel with the disembodied costumes.
DamnBunny t1_j9b32p2 wrote
Reply to comment by commandrix in Fort Myers man arrested after disrespectfully consuming key lime pie by curlyhairlad
Don't do the crime, if you can't do the lime.
DamnBunny t1_j92wscs wrote
Reply to comment by sprint6864 in Fort Myers man arrested after disrespectfully consuming key lime pie by curlyhairlad
They let ChatGPT write this article :D
DamnBunny t1_j8d0ipr wrote
I could use some anti-depressants.
DamnBunny t1_j7286qa wrote
Reply to comment by HarryHacker42 in U.S. tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon but won't shoot it down by Nofux2giv
lmao. might as well be seperated lol
DamnBunny t1_j70kqu9 wrote
Reply to comment by Duluthian2 in U.S. tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon but won't shoot it down by Nofux2giv
Well let it blow else where. This is not our monkey and not our circus. It can float over bases for all I care, but it needs to keep us out of it.
DamnBunny t1_j70i0yb wrote
Reply to comment by RTrent6 in U.S. tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon but won't shoot it down by Nofux2giv
Ewwww, blow it back over there!
DamnBunny t1_j70hpol wrote
Reply to comment by HarryHacker42 in U.S. tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon but won't shoot it down by Nofux2giv
Well since its in Montana. And since biden said they weren't going to do anything about. He never said that we should do anything about it.
50pts if you get it in the ballsack.
DamnBunny t1_j70hk8x wrote
Reply to comment by cheapcoffeesucks in U.S. tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon but won't shoot it down by Nofux2giv
They rather see it for themselves. Remember the chinese government only trusts themselves. Not even their own people.
DamnBunny t1_j70gut4 wrote
oh yeah, shit right on us, because grandpa joe is too scared to anger the communists. what a piece of work.
DamnBunny t1_j6y3ei7 wrote
Reply to comment by AlternativeFormer559 in Pink pigeon found in New York was ‘probably dyed for gender reveal party’ by xanh86
If you talk to animals I know some people downtown that would love to hear your story.
DamnBunny t1_j6v8sjo wrote
Reply to comment by AtLeastThisIsntImgur in Pink pigeon found in New York was ‘probably dyed for gender reveal party’ by xanh86
Yes it is. Leaving it pink and exposed is cruel for many reasons. One its not in its natural color as nature intended. Two, it will be very vulnerable to predators. And it will have a hard time feeding since everybody can see a pink pigeon. So its starves to death or gets eaten. I am sure that was not their intention but they should have thought it through before doing something so wrong.
DamnBunny t1_jdzlhga wrote
Reply to Only Alcohol Free Bar in Dublin Closes its Doors by patdshaker
I heard thats the same way Radio Shack went out when they open their store in an Amish settlement.