Danadroid OP t1_j8xpin0 wrote
Reply to comment by captainyitts in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
yea I haven't smelled it at all in Littleton today. It was mostly down in the valley around Whitefield. Soon as I got half way to Littleton I couldn't smell it anymore.
Danadroid OP t1_j8x0373 wrote
Reply to comment by bundleogrundle in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
right? no ones concerned yet Nasa has a jet in the sky who's purpose is to test the air quality, And it's flight path is the direction the wind would have taken the toxic cloud.
Danadroid OP t1_j8wzjjb wrote
Reply to comment by bundleogrundle in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
lol, you might want to let NASA know. They are coming back around for another pass with a lockheed ER-2
Danadroid OP t1_j8wujsx wrote
Reply to comment by MarkL6868 in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
Have not seen that one yet. Looks like one I'd enjoy though
Danadroid OP t1_j8wtzld wrote
Reply to comment by MarkL6868 in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
no, and it would be a pretty big coincidence if my wife and I both have brain tumors this morning at the same time lol
Danadroid OP t1_j8wrmv9 wrote
Reply to comment by oldmanshiba in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
wow I actually see him on Flightradar24 right now
Looks like a lockheed ER2
Danadroid OP t1_j8wm677 wrote
Reply to comment by woolsocksandsandals in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
looks like all is normal in your test then.
Danadroid OP t1_j8wkl93 wrote
Reply to comment by Northcountrynative in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
never thought of that! Might be right
Danadroid OP t1_j8wi6h4 wrote
Reply to comment by akmjolnir in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
It most definitely was not my vehicle. My wife and I both smelled it soon as we opened the front door to leave today. We live in an apartment and my truck is on the other side of the parking lot. Also, people who passed through Whitefield to get to the same place I work said they smelled it on the way through as well.
Danadroid OP t1_j8wh8hm wrote
Reply to comment by shuzkaakra in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
I don't believe so, and the only other time I've smelled anything close to this was when I was in Iraq. That smell came from all the trash they were burning. Maybe you're on to something about timing and someone's burned some trash piles.
Danadroid OP t1_j8wbo6q wrote
Reply to comment by woolsocksandsandals in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
interesting. So maybe not the toxic cloud. Whitefield is in a valley surrounded by mountains. Wondering if they just acted like a trap and the chemicals have begun to sink down and accumulate enough to produce a smell. We're supposed to get some rain. Wonder if it's worth collecting some of it and testing PH.
Danadroid t1_j8r7a9v wrote
Reply to comment by I_Heart_Astronomy in Is Ohio toxic cloud heading our way? by granitestate6
Well, that could be something to worry about.. Or, someone else was also star gazing at that time while partaking in some sweet sensemilla burning in the night..
Danadroid t1_j8nttgs wrote
Bethel, Lewiston, Westbrook, York, Portland
Danadroid t1_j8nnwkx wrote
Reply to Is Ohio toxic cloud heading our way? by granitestate6
Current wind patterns in Ohio have it aimed right at us. Maybe we'll get some acid snow!
Danadroid t1_j5zbt14 wrote
Reply to Is it illegal in the state of new Hampshire to list manufactured home as single family home? by NecessaryMistake9754
That example is definitely misleading. Looks like it could be a new construction manufactured home 100% but then you see this in the construction details:
New construction: No
Year built: 1948
Looking at more of the photos, maybe it's not a manufactured home at all though. Just some fancy updates.
Danadroid t1_j4x8v7t wrote
Reply to comment by srfyrk418 in Things to do in New Hampshire by Beautiful-Sense-3337
Loon Mtn in the spring <3
Danadroid t1_j4x67vy wrote
Reply to comment by Beautiful-Sense-3337 in Things to do in New Hampshire by Beautiful-Sense-3337
Ah well, I'm not real familiar with much in southern NH but Gunstock and that whole area around lake winnepesaukee is not bad. If you like Mexican food, head west from Gunstock to Bristol NH and check out https://www.cielitomexicanrestaurant.com/
There's a bunch of nice restaurants in Plymouth as well, Foster's Boiler Room is one of my favorites there.
If you get a day to drive further north up Interstate 93, pass through the notch into northern NH and the views while passing cannon mountain are beautiful for first timers, and check out Schillings in Littleon NH. It's an European style brewery that does pizzas and some other items. Hope you enjoy your visit!
Danadroid t1_j4wwykz wrote
Reply to Things to do in New Hampshire by Beautiful-Sense-3337
That really depends on what part of the state you will be visiting.
Danadroid t1_ivalhij wrote
Reply to comment by gmcgath in Earthquake in the Lakes Region Sunday morning Nov 6 by MeatHelmut_
Lisbon, Portugal?
Danadroid t1_irf2hyv wrote
Reply to Colors are coming out in Wilton by Six_Owe_Three
Full blown colors in the north country. Already losing leaves.
Danadroid OP t1_j8xpuvb wrote
Reply to comment by ejtnjin in Northern NH - Anyone else smell that this morning? by Danadroid
I think he's an air traffic controller.