DangerMacAwesome t1_j9x41x8 wrote
Reply to comment by Writteninsanity in [WP] The aliens, it seems, do not consider us a sentient species because we are unable to 'keeneetaa'. We still haven't figured out what that means. by limbodog
I really like this idea and I'd love to know how the aliens would treat the "tower of babel"
DangerMacAwesome t1_j9dkl2m wrote
Reply to "Favela", me, photography, 2023 by hidemelon
That's a beautiful photo, OP. Truly stunning
DangerMacAwesome t1_j57jitg wrote
Reply to comment by Pseudonimity in [WP] You are secretly a powerful villain who mainly uses their powers to play pranks on heroes, your son who's only been a villain for a year has just been killed by a team of teen heroes, Everyone isn't too concerned about what you'll do except for your nemesis who fully knows what your capable of by britishgamer215
I liked this one a lot. The conflict in Triumph is interesting.
DangerMacAwesome t1_j037av3 wrote
Reply to comment by markseabrook_art in The Catch (1946), Me, oil in panel, 2022 by markseabrook_art
Thank you! I thought they were some kind of candy I wasn't familiar with
DangerMacAwesome t1_izki6ls wrote
Reply to Officials grant California girl's request to keep a unicorn if She locates one by AmethystOrator
What a nice article!
DangerMacAwesome t1_iy0673f wrote
Reply to comment by SirPiecemaker in [WP] The research facility has been overrun. A lone scientists barricaded in his office readies a pistol to take as many of them with him as he can, but is shocked to see he is a naturally extremely skilled shooter. He begins singlehandedly reclaiming the entire complex where the guards failed. by Epictauk
That was awesome
DangerMacAwesome t1_ixrflg4 wrote
Reply to A guy with no arms……. (Long) by Objective_Resolve833
An original on /r/jokes?
DangerMacAwesome t1_ixky1iv wrote
Reply to comment by BlairTheWitch767 in Black is a happy color, me, watercolor, 2022 by Art_Anna
Had to look at it 3 times to see the woman in lingerie lol
DangerMacAwesome t1_iui3ecd wrote
Reply to La Bagnante Adornata, me, 3D, 2022 by losbadhombres
The details on the skin texture is amazing
DangerMacAwesome t1_j9xatp1 wrote
Reply to September’s Daughter, me, digital, 2023 by stormhellion
Beautiful art. Why September?