DangerStranger138 t1_j0mm93v wrote
Reply to comment by LeonMann in Scariel by me by OwneTrick
DangerStranger138 t1_iwvmhjq wrote
Reply to comment by VisualMod in Don't buy into the Grindr merger - you're just asking to get fucked by fickdichdock
>it's just a hookup site for ugly people.
Naw my two sneaky links sexy af
DangerStranger138 OP t1_iu1jasx wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Texas-based RealPage facing lawsuit for allegedly using software to raise rent prices by DangerStranger138
We're in technology subreddit how is this pertinent? Realpage is a software program at the core of this colluding price fixing cartel. Perhaps r/RealEstateTechnology or r/texas would be apropos hashtags for this post idk but if you got some evidence of price gouging at the pump that's a technological issue I'm sure you'd get mad quality engagement in a post here in the sub.
DangerStranger138 OP t1_iu1bbm6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Texas-based RealPage facing lawsuit for allegedly using software to raise rent prices by DangerStranger138
Sorry, there aren’t any communities on Reddit with that name.
This community may have been banned or the community name is incorrect.
DangerStranger138 OP t1_iu18joj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Texas-based RealPage facing lawsuit for allegedly using software to raise rent prices by DangerStranger138
We not in r/fuckcars bruh sorry
DangerStranger138 OP t1_iu14u24 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Texas-based RealPage facing lawsuit for allegedly using software to raise rent prices by DangerStranger138
SO this has nothing to do with RealPage or landlords price gouging... are you lost?
DangerStranger138 OP t1_iu0tnbs wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Texas-based RealPage facing lawsuit for allegedly using software to raise rent prices by DangerStranger138
If you got a link to whatever it is that you're talking about... that'd be greeeat!
DangerStranger138 OP t1_itq923y wrote
Reply to comment by thepoprock in A single chip has managed to transfer the entire internet's traffic in a single second by DangerStranger138
Bee the light you wanna shine on the world - Bee Arthur
DangerStranger138 OP t1_itmr52e wrote
Reply to comment by chisayne in A single chip has managed to transfer the entire internet's traffic in a single second by DangerStranger138
But then what will I barter with the doompreppers for a can of beans!?
DangerStranger138 OP t1_itmq1nn wrote
Reply to comment by SwarfDive01 in A single chip has managed to transfer the entire internet's traffic in a single second by DangerStranger138
INB4 Your mom's webcam! hurrhurrhurr GOTTEEM!!!
DangerStranger138 OP t1_itmpjtq wrote
Reply to comment by amcrambler in A single chip has managed to transfer the entire internet's traffic in a single second by DangerStranger138
Did somebody say r/Buttcoin!?
DangerStranger138 OP t1_itm5vck wrote
Reply to A single chip has managed to transfer the entire internet's traffic in a single second by DangerStranger138
>A single chip has managed to transfer over a petabit-per-second by a team of scientists from universities in Denmark, Sweden, and Japan. That's over one million gigabits of data per second over a fibre optic cable, or basically the entire internet's worth of traffic.
>The researchers—A. A. Jørgensen, D. Kong, L. K. Oxenløwe—and their team successfully showed a data transmission of 1.84 petabits over a 7.9km fibre cable using just a single chip. That's not quite as fast as some other alternatives with larger, bulkier systems, which have reached up to 10.66 petabits, but the key here is scale: the proposed system is very compact.
>By splitting a data stream into 37 sections, one for each core of a fibre optic cable, and then further splitting each of those streams into 223 channels, the researchers were able to remove a great deal of interference that slows down optical systems and therefore deliver an internet's worth of data transmission using a single chip.
>The researchers also theorise that such a system could support speeds of up to 100 petabits-per-second in massively parallel systems.
>Essentially, high-speed data transmission that often requires a fibre optic cable and bulky equipment is now being miniaturised into a smaller on-chip package. Instead of multiple lasers in parallel, which come with their own set of challenges, it's possible to shrink a good deal of this equipment to the silicon level. And with that even remove some of the difficulties in sending massive data packages long distances and at high speeds.
>A big part of these new breakthroughs are microcombs, which are a way of generating constant and measurable frequencies of light.
DangerStranger138 t1_ir90u8v wrote
Reply to Trees in a smokey North Cascade National Park (OC) [4000 × 6000] @alwayslocalphotos by AlwaysLocal
If you look close enough you can hear Sirenhead
DangerStranger138 t1_j0mmuav wrote
Reply to comment by LeonMann in Scariel by me by OwneTrick
Username checks out