
t1_j7w8a4q wrote

My point is more that the statement in the headline is designed to oversell the relative "increase in safety" for PVD residents over time, and that based on the comments here it seems to probably successfully oversell that.

American cities are not particularly safe compared with similarly sized urban areas throughout the rest of the civilized world so to hear people talk about how safe PVD is is just a little laughable. You're safer than in NYC, I get it. But let's be real here and stop pretending that American crime is in a good place, simply because it is perpetually on the decline.


t1_j7w6jf6 wrote

>The people on this forum by definition identify with the city of Providence and have a vested interest in open collaborative discussion about it.

I've made this very point before myself and had folks on this very subreddit disagree with me in making it.

Am I the one looking at too short of a time scale though, or are you? I'm just being critical that the year-over-year numbers are the headline and folks are glomming onto them like they're meaningful in that relative vacuum. If someone wanted to post and say, 2022 homicides in providence are down X percent over the 10 year average, I'd have nothing to say. That would be a reasonable way to present this data.

My point isn't about the numbers or even the safety of PVD in general versus the subreddit's perception, it's about the gullibility of the readers that the headline could exist in the first place.


t1_j7vsy21 wrote

crime has been on the decline worldwide for our entire lives, there is nothing surprising there. the trajectory of pretty much everywhere in america decade over decade is for places to get safer and safer. that doesn't make them safe though and the notion of safety is of course all relative, which is why I say, and you guys hate it, that providence is not a desirable place to live.

what IS surprising is you can have over double the previous year's (2019's) rate of homicides in 2020 and 2021 and folks on this forum will still get excited over reporting that in 2022 it's now back down to only slightly more homicides than in 2019.


t1_j6xkr85 wrote

I'll tell you what, if you weren't intending to be misleading in your "analysis" you certainly succeeded despite yourself. That's why I chimed in. I'm genuinely unsure what you thought was worthwhile about your limited discussion of RI castle doctrine under ch 8 but, your comment was not expansive enough to provide the context to a layperson reader that it was simply your thoughts on a very, very limited slice of a single defense that could be raised at trial.

I am an attorney, I adequately understood what you were trying to say, which was also clear by my post.

again tho--good luck with your bad self. I won't engage with you again, sir lord of logic.

edited to add, if anyone is reading these posts by this exhausting dumbass i just blocked and is temped to think he knows what he's talking about, try to figure where he pulled the fact pattern he's referencing from and consider whether he evidences any understanding of applied jurisprudence on ri's castle doctrine particularly as it pertains to any duty to retreat. or whether maybe he's just pretending to understand a complex thing because he read a statute. which is sort of like walking into your doctor's office with a mayo clinic diagnosis.


t1_j468ylf wrote

I feel like you in particular need this one.


THIS is the characteristic experience of a Providence resident, regardless of the bubble you're living in. And what you're gonna want to say is oh, these are neighbor problems, oh, these are landlord problems. My guy they are Providence problems, as well. This isn't how it goes down in other places.


t1_j421n0c wrote

as a lawyer allow me to assure you, that is the last thing OP should do. there are many resources for this sort of question and a poster already pointed OP in a good direction. there are only a very, very small handful of decent posters on r/legaladvice and a lot of misleading advice is voted to the top. you would literally be better off asking on quora, that's how bad that subreddit is.

I mean here's a great example--I'm an attorney with no experience in this area and I wouldn't attempt to tackle the question other than by referring OP to appropriate resources. An r/legaladvice thread might have hundreds or thousands of confident replies but none of them will be from attorneys with direct experience, and all of them will be from people who should know that they don't know enough about the subject matter to answer the question adequately.


t1_j3t0crs wrote

Reply to comment by in Apartment Hunting Advice by

I'm more of a housing first kind of guy. I don't think though the homeless problem can be successfully addressed given the current state of federal legislation on a variety of drugs that really form the bedrock of the non-economic elements of the problem.

But this post isn't about solving the homeless and drug problem in America. It's about whether this guy should move his admittedly scared girlfriend into an apartment next to Dexter Park. Not moving your ass into a problematic area is not exactly NIMBYism. And even if it were, that would not make it a good idea for OP.


t1_j3rzmyb wrote

I am not surprised that user JohnProvidence didn't have this experience or that the current users of a forum dedicated to Providence don't broadly think it sucks.

But that does not make those characteristic experiences, this is a very particular subset of people commenting on this forum in the first place. And I can assure you most folks who have moved away and wouldn't bother thinking about r/providence now or ever have some variation on my experience as opposed to yours.


t1_j3rkwzk wrote

I just moved from directly adjacent to Dexter park, idk what to tell you but you're talking about a fantasy world if you have yet to see a needle there. You can't smell the piss when you're walking around there either, can you? Sometimes folks are trying too hard to be progressive to actually experience the world around them.


t1_j3rko2r wrote

I'm sorry my post triggered you all so, so much that you want to talk personal shit on it. But seriously don't listen to these idiots enabling you to bring your girl to PVD, she will deeply hate it. You want to hear their perspective so you think they're good and right but they're baiting you into an awful decision. You want the "hippest" place to live in a dumpster and you're asking dumpster dwellers for advice, I get it. It's not gonna go well tho.

And if any of you think the dude who is saying move near Dexter park of ALL places in response to this post isn't either an idiot or a troll, god save you.


t1_j3r9irq wrote

i'm sorry it hurts your feelings so much to hear it but OP definitely needs to. he is gonna fuck up this poor girl's life because he thinks there's some kind of benefit to living in PVD. and you all are just gonna blow that smoke up his ass because you need to scam other folks into living there to feel better about your own bad life choices.


t1_j3r60ow wrote

dexter park is a junkie homeless needle nightmare now. definitely nowhere near there.

OP--there is no compromise. providence is a shithole. anywhere you move, you will have altercations with strangers, people will break into your cars, your catalytic converters will be stolen, and there will be a constant stream during the summer of kids on illegal vehicles in large, loud, menacing groups just being annoying at large. moving across the river was one of the best decisions i ever made.

i know a bunch of the providence kids will show up and be like oh look the boomer is afraid of menacing teens on bikes! but who the fuck has the time for that shit. there is nothing to move here for. it's a 10 minute drive from much better places to live. don't get all RI brained thinking that is a long distance; it is not. just drive it if you insist on thinking there is stuff to do in pvd. you will save so much money and sanity that way.


t1_iy5bcxx wrote

and unsurprisingly, not interested at all in meeting people his own age but preferably 25 years younger...

certain types of men are just alarmingly consistent in the ways they fall short.

OP my man the apps are filled with scammers for you because you are exactly the sort of person they're looking for and they've made profiles designed to entice you, specifically (and they clearly are succeeding). I'm not gonna explain why I think that is but you should definitely put some thought of your own into it.