
DarkAlman t1_iyf202d wrote

TLDR: no

The short answer is planes can't hover because they need air flowing over their wings to fly. If they were to have zero ground speed they would immediately crash.

To achieve what's called a Geo-synchronous orbit (where the GPS satellites are), meaning that you are hovering directly above a specific spot and stay there, you actually need to go very high into space and speed up a lot to get there and stay there. It has to do with orbital mechanics, and outside the scope of this ELI5.

The long answer is that you have to factor in is momentum.

The reason we have a hard time conceptualizing this is because humans don't feel how fast we are moving, we feel acceleration and deceleration. That's why when a car or a plane gets up to speed you feel the same as if you are standing still. You only feel it when the vehicle is speeding up or slowing down.

You sitting still is actually moving around at around 1000mph because that's the speed the Earth is turning. You are also moving at around 30km per sec because that's how fast the Earth orbits the sun, etc etc

That's why we have to speak in relative terms. You sitting still means you aren't moving relative to the Earth spinning, because everything you are comparing yourself against in terms of movement is also spinning around at 1000mph.

If you were to suddenly remove all the momentum an object has relative to the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy, etc it would go flying off into space at several thousand meters per second... because everything else would fly away from it in an instant.

If you really want to blow your mind, The Earth is rotating from West to East, so when you move East you are moving the speed you are walking + the rotation of the Earth. But when you are moving West you are moving the speed of the Earths Rotation minus you walking speed. So a person walking due West is moving slower than a person sitting still. It's all relative to how you measure it.


DarkAlman t1_iy1ocyi wrote

Simple, the Sun isn't on fire, it's a nuclear reaction.

The Sun is made up mostly of Hydrogen. Under the intense pressure the sun generates by it's own gravity, it's core is crushed into an incredibly dense and hot state.

In the core Hydrogen atoms are so close together, and move so quickly that they are able to overcome their repulsive forces (like trying to push two positive ends of a magnet together) and smash together forming a heavier element, Helium. This releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat and photons (light) and is what powers the Sun.

This process is so energetic, and requires so little fuel (compared to a fire) that the Sun will keep fusing Hydrogen for Billions of years.

In larger stars this process keeps going and Helium can fuse to produce heavier elements like Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, and Iron. This is where all of those elements are created. When those stars die in explosions called supernova, their enriched guts spew across the galaxy to form new planets and solar systems.

So it turns out, you are made of Star Dust


DarkAlman t1_iy177vj wrote

The Chinese regime is extremely authoritarian, spies on it's own citizens, implemented a social credit system, arrests people without warrants, makes people disappear for going against the government, and there's a possible active genocide happening against the Uyghurs right now just to name a few.

The West typically wouldn't want to do business with a country like that but tolerates China and doesn't denounce them as much as they normally would because they are too afraid to lose the economic benefits.


DarkAlman t1_iy0uvty wrote

It still all leads back to WW2

China was in the midst of a Civil War during WW2 while also under occupation by the Japanese and being a British colony.

The Capitalist and Western aligned Kuomintang were fighting against the Chinese Communists.

Afterwards the Communist faction took over and it became a State loosely allied with the Eastern Bloc. While the remains of the Kuomintang ran off to Taiwan.

During the 80s while the Soviet Union collapsed China started becoming more capitalist while maintaining state control of everything. It's economic prosperity is what caused to be reach it's current near super power status.

The new Cold War is economics. The Chinese are doing a bunch of stuff that is Morally and Politically counter to the West but the West doesn't want to do anything about it because they are so economically dependent on China at the moment.


DarkAlman t1_iy0i7k0 wrote

TLDR: World War 2

Many geopolitical problems in the 20th and 21st centuries can be directly traced back to the aftermath of WW1, WW2, and the Cold War.

Prior to WW2 the superpowers of the World were the European Empires like the British, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Having risen up during the Industrial Revolution, they controlled significant foreign territory, had big fleets of ships and armies, and even powerful independent nations like the US were loosely aligned with the European powers through trade.

After WW2 the European Empires (which were already in decline) started to collapse. The two World Wars had crippled the European economies and devastated the Continent. The Japanese and German Empires had been defeated and were taken over by the powers that defeated them. While the Former European colonies like India, Africa, IndoChina, and China started to gain independence. The Middle East meanwhile which was once the Ottoman Empire had been defeated in WW1 and taken over by the Europeans, was now being broken up into the smaller independent nations that we know today.

The Worlds superpowers became the United States and the Soviet Union.

With the two locked in a Cold War (due to the threat of Nuclear annihilation) different nations started to ally themselves with the now so called Eastern or Western powers out of a need for mutual preservation. The Soviet Bloc or Warsaw pact in the East, and NATO in the West.

This extended to the former European colonies far east (India, China, IndoChina, Japan), the Middle east (Syria, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq), Africa (South Africa, Zaire, Egypt), Middle America (Cuba), and the Dictatorships in South America (Argentina, Columbia). Many of which having governments that were propped up by the CIA or KGB to create Western or Eastern aligned governments.


DarkAlman t1_iujrgv9 wrote

MSG is a flavor enhancer. It amplifies the Umami (Savory) flavor in food and is used to improve the taste of a variety of products, typically Junk Food but is most well known for its use in take out Chinese.

MSG has a bad reputation due to dubious scientific research done in the 1950s.

A single researcher published papers describing what he called 'Chinese restaurant syndrome' claiming that he always got sick from eating Chinese food and specifically blamed the MSG they used without any real hard evidence to back that up.

This researcher could have just as easily been getting sick due to an intolerance to soy, fish sauce, or any other commonly used product in Chinese cuisine.

Other research was performed on MSG in this era usually involved concentrations that were hundreds of times higher than used in food.

Later research showed that eating small amounts of MSG is perfectly healthy, and showed that his research was dubious at best and probably had racist underpinnings. But by that point the news media had caused it to go viral and caution against MSG has never gone away.


DarkAlman t1_iueyd6v wrote

TLDR: Because companies don't play geo-politics, they only care about low manufacturing costs and profits. It's only now that the US and other Western governments are getting involved that chip manufacturing is finally getting spread to other countries. Because Governments are the ones that worry about geo-politics and supply chain problems caused by rampant outsourcing.

In 1976 the Taiwanese government convinced RCA to transfer semiconductor manufacturing to Taiwan. Since then the semi conductor business in Taiwan has only grown and now upwards of 50% of chip manufacturing on the planet happens on that one island.

Taiwan has the advantage that it has the expertise in-house (lots of people with experience and training to make chips) and can do so at a much lower cost of labor compared to the US and other Western countries.

Similarly 60-70% of the worlds hard drives are also manufactured in Taiwan in 3 factories that are side-by-side in a tsunami/typhoon zone.

The next largest chip foundry is Samsung's which is in South Korea.

Meanwhile Intel and Texas Instruments still manufacture chips on-shore in the US. But while Intel's chips are critical to the PC industry, smart phones, automotive and a lot of other industries are heavily reliant on South Korea and Taiwan for their components and assembly.

It's kindof of shocking to be honest that Western Governments didn't take notice of the weakness of manufacturing industries heavy reliance on potentially unstable countries until recently.

The US Government has also been forced to step-in and stop the sale of US based telecom and electronics companies to the likes of Broadcom because of their Chinese backing.

Decades of outsourcing has lead the US in particular to be heavily reliant on countries like China and Taiwan for things like electronics. Even the Japanese which were historically an electronic manufacturing powerhouse are now reliant on other countries for chips because manufacturing them onshore is too expensive.

Meanwhile Russia is reportedly scrambling to buy black market chips because they too are heavily reliant on the West for electronics, and due to sanctions can't buy enough parts to maintain their own infrastructure or build modern military hardware.

Due to geo-political issues between Taiwan and China, and problems caused by the pandemic, Samsung is now building a new chip foundry in Texas which should be operational in 2024.


DarkAlman t1_iuapuxt wrote

A firewall is either a piece of software or a physical device that protects an network or a PC/Server from unauthorized access.

The name comes from Firewalls in Cars or Houses which are physical barriers meant to prevent fire from spreading into the passenger compartment or into an adjacent room/house. Like a Firewall in a car a computer Firewall prevents malicious activity from coming into your network from the internet.

The most basic firewalls look at port traffic coming to a device and stop unsolicited traffic. ie any traffic that is trying to access a port that shouldn't be accessible to a hacker.

More advanced Firewalls are called NGFWs (Next-Gen Firewall) or WAFs (Web Application Firewall) that actively look at packets and traffic looking for signs of malicious activity and stop it before it goes to a server.