I mean it was a harmless mistake and if anything if you feel like you done something wrong why not contact the store and explain and apolgize to the employee. And maybe even show the picture again just to clarify what it was. The store most likely wont do anything about it and if they do they might have you pay the difference between the 50% off and the coupon she was supposed to get.
DarkTails24 t1_j4zrrpr wrote
Reply to TIFU by having a picture of a flag on my phone by munilotthug
I mean it was a harmless mistake and if anything if you feel like you done something wrong why not contact the store and explain and apolgize to the employee. And maybe even show the picture again just to clarify what it was. The store most likely wont do anything about it and if they do they might have you pay the difference between the 50% off and the coupon she was supposed to get.