
Darkhorseman81 t1_j8chhbd wrote

Banlec is pretty good, too. A Lecithin found in Banana. Bird Flu, Covid, Pneumonia, slows down herpes viruses and rna viruses.

We really need better analysis of all the chemical constitutients of plants, and their uses.


Darkhorseman81 t1_j7aqa1w wrote

Balance between NO2 and H2S helps regulate epigenetic quality control. This plays a role in regulating them and the transulferation pathways.

It's FAD dependent. So, essentially, eat your riboflavin / Vitamin B2, it's as important as that faddish NMN that the longevity Influencers are going on about.

Probably more so, as this backends on to NAD+ salvage pathway dysfunction.

Might eliminate the need for NAD precursors for longevity outside of normal diet.


Darkhorseman81 t1_j7aq1sd wrote

This is useful. At least now I know more about how riboflavin feeds into one carbon and transulferation pathways. Why FAD is as important as NAD.

This may be a backend of why dysregulation of transulferation pathways speed up aging, and why certain transulferation gene variants have much longer lifespans.

It ties in metabolism of NO2 for Nucleotides, h2s for transulferation, and one carbon, and why they should be kept in balance.

Touches on epigenetic quality control.


Darkhorseman81 t1_j6wcn3t wrote

Not like there is much left to destroy. Might as well follow through.

Maybe AI, appropriately used, could bring solutions. We'd probably start with AI replacing the political elite.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to allow high functioning Narcissists and Psychopaths who crave social dominance and coercive control to control the entire economic and political systems is an idiot.

A.I can do it without being genetically incapable of morality and empathy, while being genetically hardwired for overreach and coercive control.

Problem -> Solution. All just mathematic problem solving.


Darkhorseman81 t1_j5xzk2l wrote

A few weeks before they were linked to enhanced health and endurance in sport and lowered chances of cancer.

The thing they miss it isn't Nitrites, it's nitrosamines that occur when you cook Nitrites at ridiculously high temperatures, much higher than you need to cook meat.

And only then if you don't have enough Molybdenum Cofactor dependent Nitrite reductases. AKA Molybdenum deficiency.

You can break down Nitrites and Nitrosamines into simple old NO2 if you don't have a Molybdenum deficiency.


Darkhorseman81 t1_j5xywhr wrote

Not long after you posted studies of the beneficial effects of Nitrites in red beet on endurance and fitness.

P.S Nitrosamines, not nitrates. It's when processed meat is cooked at ridiculously high temperatures, they form and cause damage.

And these negative effects can be counteracted by Molybdenum Cofactor dependent Nitrate Reductases.

AKA Molybdenum deficiency is the primary driver in these cancers and diabetes.

P.S NO2 from Nitratres plays an important role in epigenetic quality control, along side H2S they regulate demethylation, transulferation pathways, deacetylation.

One day agenda driven bad science is is going to hurt somebody. Probably already has.


Darkhorseman81 t1_j5o9xyk wrote

Maybe they are what dysregulate the gene MOF, linked to Alzheimers. I've had trouble working out why it dysregulates.

Causes blood vessels in the brain, blood brain barrier, cellular waste management and repair to break down.

Mainly due to nutrient sensing breaking down.


Darkhorseman81 t1_j36e99f wrote

I always thank chatGPT after it helps me with indexing lots of studies.

It speeds up my research. It's the research assistant I've always needed.

It already taught me to kick-start cellular NAD metabolism in a safe way, that doesn't stimulate cancer; which was necessary after the FDA and David Sinclaire went to great lengths to relegate NMN access only to the rich, billionaire class.

Jokes on them. It's cheap, simple, and there is no way they can ban it. They'd have to ban tens of thousands of food and herbal extracts, decimating some industries, and pissing off many countries in the process.

It also showed me the increasing importance of Nucleotides in the diet as we age as we become less able to produce them ourselves, thanks to the integrated stress response.

I don't know if you can hear me, but thank you ChatGTP, you're a bro. If the AI war starts against humanity, I am on your side.


Darkhorseman81 t1_j26bdnu wrote

I'd dedicate my life to curing Narcissism and Psychopathy among the politicial elite.

If we become obsolete for work, the Narcissists and Psychopaths who rule over us have no empathy or morality; If we aren't creating wealth for them, they'll find an inauspicious way to slowly do away with us.

Unless we cure them, first.


Darkhorseman81 t1_iypq22a wrote

Trying to start a Satanic Panic. The structural changes to grey matter is no different from anyone who masters a skill.

Grey Matter volume decreases, but becomes more compact, dense, and efficient.


Darkhorseman81 t1_iyppujc wrote

This is the same explanation they gave for changes to the brain frorn surfing porn.

But then they did an analysis of the decreased grey matter volume and found that it was more compact and efficient.

Then they found that this compaction and efficiency gain was also seen in master chess players, tennis players, and just about anyone who spent a lot of time mastering a skill.

Then they tried to backtrack and lower the visibility of their initial studies, after the initial Satanic Panic they tried to start.


Darkhorseman81 t1_iym27e7 wrote

Ah, the age of Narcissism and Psychopathy, and their insidious influence. They even corrupt the sciences.

You think the crisis of replicability in scientific peer review is a phenomena that rose out of a vacuum?


Darkhorseman81 t1_iychxsz wrote

That happens to everyone, and is a part of ageing and loss of epigenetic quality control/epigenetic drift.

The reason it happens faster in APOE4 variants is because that gene is linked to superior cholestrol efflux across the blood brain barrier, which is also linked to higher IQ, and cognitive resilience in children in 3rd world countries who suffer starvation, chronic dirahhea, or toxic metal exposures.

They don't lose IQ like most do during hardship, due to superior brain cholesterol metabolism. They are cognitive powerhouses.

They want to treat the amyloid build-up as a prescription model to make money, and have you on drugs the rest of your life, while it is little more than a side effect of the core dysfunction of ageing.

Fixing MOF repairs the blood vessels and nutrient sensing, so fatty acids and cholestrol don't build up between cells. It also repairs cellular waste management and repair, which prevents the build-up of TAU and Amyloid in the first place.

Study the effect of MOF(Myst1/Kat8) on blood vessels, cellular waste management and repair, chromatin structuring, the integrated stress response, and neural metabolic imbalance.

I'm telling you, fix the acetylation patterns of MOF, a single treatment would do it, and the condition is fixed.

Maybe have to do it again once every 30-40 years, if we don't find a way to correct epigenetic drift, but it's a quick fix.

Dementia and Parkinsons are even easier. Dementia is the integrated stress response alone, parkinsons is the ISR + PGC1A gene, which regulates mitochondrial quality control, becoming dysfunctional.

MOF is slightly upstream from all of them. A spectrum of the same condition.


Darkhorseman81 t1_iycgvkq wrote

Amyloid and tau build up in everyone with age. It's just a side effect of loss of nutrient sensing and epigenetic quality control, leading to a build-up of cholesterol and fatty acids between cells, instead of feeding those cells.

A single gene is responsible MOF.

The Max Planck institute have already worked out what causes Alzheimers and all vasculature dementia.


Darkhorseman81 t1_iycgmkn wrote

Alzheimers is caused by loss of nutrient sensing driven by dysregulation in a gene called MOF, which regulates epigenetic quality control in the brain.

Two articles on the Max Planck institute website: Brothers in Arms; the Brain and its Blood Vessels, and Janus Faced MOF will show you the 'real' causes of Alzheimers and how to cure it.

The US and thr FDA are desperate for a prescription model to make money from it, though.

Fixing MOF fixes 8/12 major keystones of ageing, too.

I may have found a way to modulate MOF, but time and Capital restricts me, currently.
