DarrylCornejo t1_ja78om6 wrote
Reply to if I buy old xbox 360 black ops disc can I player online multiplayer on my series x by Bannedguaranteed
Wait until you encounter invisible players with double perks in Black Ops 1.
DarrylCornejo t1_ja66id4 wrote
Reply to Best wrestling games? by ichuck1984
Here Comes the Pain is one I highly reccomend.
DarrylCornejo t1_j92mz41 wrote
Wait until you listen to London Calling in it's entirety.
DarrylCornejo t1_j6bbpdy wrote
Reply to If you could "listen" to an album for the first time again which album would you pick? by JGCities
Dark Side of the Moon. I wanna have that experience again.
DarrylCornejo t1_j69q0i9 wrote
Reply to Music for cleaning out my pantry by Charming-Twist-7514
Type in Mexican cleaning music and click the first result. I know from experience.
DarrylCornejo t1_j66zrr6 wrote
Reply to Music is absolutely amazing. by STEVEMOBSLAYER
Music is a wonderful thing. It can be in whatever language, as long as you feel the music. That's all that matters.
DarrylCornejo t1_j2d58m8 wrote
Reply to Is social media killing music? by your_friend_dingus
50% no. Looking at the bigger picture, it brings new fans to the artist. Thus the artist continues to grow and vice versa. The more you get, the more you grow as an artist. That will always be a big plus.
50% yes. While there may be some songs used in a terribly made meme or however the song was included, the artist ends up being only known as x viral song was used in meme haha or just a one hit wonder than fades into obscurity.
DarrylCornejo t1_iyf2aet wrote
Reply to Mostly listen to rap right now, trying to find new genres and artists to listen to but I can’t find any songs or artists that I really like, any suggestions? by Budget_Ad9626
Kool G Rap, Necro (their Godfathers collaboration was fantastic).
DarrylCornejo t1_ixogg5k wrote
Reply to comment by Buckar00_Banzai_ in Best bands ever ( in your opinion ) by Viperzz3
We're in this together now with our opinions.
DarrylCornejo t1_ixoget7 wrote
Reply to Best bands ever ( in your opinion ) by Viperzz3
Led Zeppelin. No question.
DarrylCornejo t1_itd0mpq wrote
There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Music is subjective, you can go to x web site and there may be clear bias towards a specific artist. It is better to listen to an artist for x album/EP/mix tape for yourself and form your own opinion on it my friend. Music is subjective and we all have our own opinions on artists and their releases.
DarrylCornejo t1_jaacd47 wrote
Reply to comment by Bannedguaranteed in if I buy old xbox 360 black ops disc can I player online multiplayer on my series x by Bannedguaranteed