DarthMortum t1_j9v883w wrote
Reply to Clean off your goddamn cars!! by Nalek
I guess it’s too cold out there for state troopers to work on their quota.
DarthMortum t1_j86wa3g wrote
Reply to comment by Ready-Interview-9809 in Moving From Dallas to Worcester in a month - Any advice regarding housing, do’s & dont’s and generally anything that would be helpful is much appreciated. by LDNbisKIT
1606 is a secret gem. Quiet and conveniently accessible.
DarthMortum t1_izm71fs wrote
Reply to St. Vincent Hospital admits to inflating its charges for cardiac surgical procedures, agrees to pay feds $1.7M by outb0undflight
They probably made a profit 10 times more than that petty fine.
DarthMortum OP t1_iziviuo wrote
Reply to comment by thornside in Best 3D or maybe 4DX cinema around Worcester to watch Avatar 2? by DarthMortum
I just checked their site and it looks really promising.
DarthMortum OP t1_ize5w2f wrote
Reply to comment by FuckM3Tendr in Best 3D or maybe 4DX cinema around Worcester to watch Avatar 2? by DarthMortum
Thank you. The kickers will definitely level up the cinema experience.
DarthMortum t1_iy6vt7l wrote
A High-speed rail network to NYC and other major surrounding cities will be a game changer.
DarthMortum t1_ixjeh7a wrote
Reply to comment by siwmasas in Here’s Gov. Baker’s plan for dealing with the influx of migrants to Mass. by bostondotcom
Says the hypocrite who has never been homeless in Massachusetts, doesn’t have to worry about rent because daddy has set up a trust fund and is already set for life. How cute of you.
If the governor can ensure that there will be no homeless person in Massachusetts ever, then yes by all means, let us all help and house anyone else.
DarthMortum t1_ixige00 wrote
People from Massachusetts are already struggling with high rents and outrageous mortgage rates. How about we help our own first?
DarthMortum t1_je95yzk wrote
Reply to East-West Rail would give an economic boost to Worcester and Central MA, experts say by HRJafael
If it’s not a high-speed rail then they should not bother with.