Dartonion t1_iteb5z2 wrote
Reply to comment by Augiehack in what did Gimbels sell? by Daywalkingvampire
Recently got rid of a Horne's cardboard box my family had been using to package presents and gift things back and forth for years. Recently as in, 4 months ago. I have a pic of it somewhere I'll put up if I figure out how.
Dartonion t1_j9bjxkr wrote
Reply to Looks like Spring is right around the corner.....Gardeners of Pittsburgh, what do you have planned for this year's growing season? by NineFootEightWeight
Hopefully thai peppers, zucchini, maybe habanero peppers. It all depends on when i build the raised planting bed I plan to do. It looks like my biggest hurdle will be getting the topsoil without blowing my budget.