
DatEngineeringKid t1_jeg6089 wrote

If you ladder though, so be aware that T-Bills and T-Notes work slightly differently.

Bills are sold at a discount. The difference between the price you pay and the face value is the interest.

Notes are auctioned as well, but have an interest rate that is paid regularly. The yield is a combo of the discount and the interest paid. If the yield is lower than the interest rate, you will pay more than face value for the note, but will get regularly interest payments.


DatEngineeringKid t1_j7zqpn1 wrote

No worries. I’m not sure what the legal situation is like, but the reason why strikers get some legal protection is to keep strikers from doing something drastic.

Look at it the other way around—if you were gonna go on strike and knew that it could cost you everything, there would be a much wider range of actions that you would be willing to engage in.


DatEngineeringKid t1_iubeo43 wrote

Quick hack for anyone who wants to choose their risk tolerance in Digital Advisor:

When you get to the risk quiz, just do the opposite of what you should do. So when they ask “would you risk $1 for $5” set it to the minimum value, and when they ask “would you risk $1 for $1.25”, set it to the max value.

The quiz will end up confused, and allow you to select whichever risk tolerance you want. If you don’t do this and the quiz assigns you a risk tolerance, you can either go with that risk tolerance, or pick one of the adjacent ones.