
Db3ma t1_j68sxuv wrote


Db3ma t1_j4nkvrl wrote

Not a property owner I see. I used to feed and get a kick out of the tree rats that were around here.

Then one winter they found a way into the attick. Squirrels will eat your house. Store a car in your yard for a bit? They will eat the wiring.

Try to put some bird feeders around? (Birds are nice.) They eat seeds. So do crummy squirrels.


Db3ma t1_j3554e4 wrote

Havent been in ri for a while. I was concerned that the arcade might have been torn down. It was a part of my walk around in the city when i wore a younger mans clothes. College hill, Benefit Street, (the band not the asphalt) Eat at Joes, head shops on the "mall" that park with the really cool view of the 2nd largest un supported marble dome structure...


Db3ma t1_j08jy6b wrote

Reply to Really Maine? by poteetjim

Simple things for simple minds, eh? Thinking the content of the plate up, requesting it, getting it issued and parading it on you vessel is just a huge part of what amuses MAINERS up here.

I'd take that over you lot anytime.


Db3ma t1_ixnceel wrote

The op of this wants to increase our investment/reliance on "renewables" and wants to volunteer to participate in the first nuclear/wind/solar powered lifeflight helicopter evac.

"Renewables" are a scam for now. Weak minded liberals parrot the "eliminate fossil fuels" talking point.

We The People need to return to every level of energy independence. And that takes an effective distribution infrastructure.

Wake up!