
DeMalgamnated t1_j68sb9c wrote

she's only famous because she's autistic, if she was just an average teenager no one would be paying her any attention.

i think it's wrong that her parents turned her into a celebrity just because they think she's special.

she's no more special than anyone else. i found her initial speech a bit cringe when she first emerged.

HOW DARE YOU! to me it just sounded off.

when it's something serious like climate change, we need to have scientists making speeches, not teenagers who claim to be activists.

all she is, is one of the many current social media influencers. someone that people feel the need to follow but for the wrong reasons.

listen to the adults, not the angry girl.

if you want to make a different, keep recycling, use less plastic stuff, don't create so much daily rubbish, grow more veg etc at home if you have a garden, use your car less if possible. go on litter picks etc. you don't need to make a specticle of yourself.

just know you are doing your bit.


DeMalgamnated t1_j5syamx wrote

i barely buy anything from amazon now, it's all ebay.

  1. what i usually look for on amazon is either low or out of stock or only available used or from overseas.
  2. same item(s) on ebay for cheaper.
  3. fuck amazon.

the workers deserve better pay and conditions. saw the news this morning and one guy said they monitor you constantly and question you if you take too long doing anything even going for a loo break.