Deanocracy t1_j84bxtn wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in All-time greatest r/WashingtonDC thread by AuthorityRespecter
Oh well. It doesnt happen.
Less than 4% of the US State prison population is in for possession as their greatest crime.
So… lets do some logic.
Possession… probably not weed? More likely a harder substance.
Which beibgs up the next point.. when 90+% of all sentences are the result of a plea you can look at that 4% as a remainder from more serious charges.
Ie found with drugs and a weapon. Plead to drug charge but got time because they should as a result of the weapon (or assault or robbery etc)
So anyways.. not too idiotic of a thing to know.
Deanocracy t1_j83iwo6 wrote
Reply to comment by CreditUnlucky407thro in All-time greatest r/WashingtonDC thread by AuthorityRespecter
A good opportunity for you to elucidate for others how even a long time ago your possession of weed charges were (most likely) dropped and if pushed to sentencing resulted in no prison sentence.
So they can stop living in a fantasy world that out prisons are filled with low level drug possession people.
Deanocracy t1_j82i8bb wrote
Reply to comment by hoosyourdaddyo in All-time greatest r/WashingtonDC thread by AuthorityRespecter
The worst take
In a thread about worst takes.
Deanocracy t1_j81m9ky wrote
Wait… that guy meant GUN possession???
Deanocracy t1_j6mzmm0 wrote
Reply to comment by resdivinae in McPherson Square homeless camp to be cleared two months early, NPS says by Ruze42
Yeah… its wrongly tied to Reagan when in reality it was a large progressive movement and a push to medications as the new wonder drug that would fix it.
“The belief then was widespread that the same scientific researchers who had conjured up antibiotics and vaccines during the outburst of medical discovery in the 50's and 60's had also developed penicillins to cure psychoses and thus revolutionize the treatment of the mentally ill.”
Deanocracy t1_j6l3pse wrote
Reply to comment by giscard78 in MOVING TO D.C. Safety of Summit St NE by [deleted]
My guy followed up with an FAQ!!!!
Deanocracy t1_j6l04xd wrote
Reply to comment by strangechicken in McPherson Square homeless camp to be cleared two months early, NPS says by Ruze42
Institutionalization would be supported on its face I think as a humane alternative.
Its not a fiscal issue. It would be a justice issue.
Deanocracy t1_j6kxxsb wrote
Reply to comment by giscard78 in MOVING TO D.C. Safety of Summit St NE by [deleted]
The completeness of this response is lacking in my professional and reddit life.
Deanocracy t1_j6fkszi wrote
Everyone seems to be ok
Deanocracy t1_j6bd3ja wrote
Reply to comment by LilInterweb in Massive police presence down 18th street @ 6pm by pqmIII
I’ll let you in on the joke…
A few posts before you called me illiterate you called libertarians… librarians.
Deanocracy t1_j6bcim9 wrote
Reply to comment by LilInterweb in Massive police presence down 18th street @ 6pm by pqmIII
Actually… i work at a library.
Deanocracy t1_j6bb25x wrote
Reply to comment by LilInterweb in Massive police presence down 18th street @ 6pm by pqmIII
Yup… i called it.
Deanocracy t1_j6b0g1h wrote
Reply to comment by LilInterweb in Massive police presence down 18th street @ 6pm by pqmIII
People who think this also characterize the police escorting Richard Spencer as a loving gesture of white supremacy.
Broken brains… it sucks to see
Deanocracy t1_j4ize5t wrote
Reply to A group of Puerto Rican nationalists are photographed after their arraignment for shooting up the U.S. House of Representatives. Seeking an independent Puerto Rico, the four stormed the building and opened fire while the House was in session, wounding five members of Congress (1954). by lightiggy
Things you dont learn about in school
Deanocracy t1_j26wcry wrote
Deanocracy t1_j26ulzl wrote
Reply to comment by lemoncurd_98 in Landlord didn't fix draft in time so am I able to ask for some money back due to increase in utilities? by lemoncurd_98
I’m not no.
Do you ever find it valuable for others to help you better understand the appropriate response to a new situation?
If so… its at the start of this thread.
If otherwise you got it handled… hope its a great ‘23
Deanocracy t1_j26tv7g wrote
Reply to comment by lemoncurd_98 in Landlord didn't fix draft in time so am I able to ask for some money back due to increase in utilities? by lemoncurd_98
I’ve been pretty strapped in my life… working retail school etc paying for it all.
I cannot appreciate a $40 fluctuation being this difficult.
$400? Yeah. Been there.
Deanocracy t1_j26c26l wrote
Reply to Landlord didn't fix draft in time so am I able to ask for some money back due to increase in utilities? by lemoncurd_98
Our landlord came on Christmas Eve to fill some of the cracks and our indoor temp jumped 70.
Its $40… move on.
I say that bluntly but graciously
Deanocracy t1_j1g3ldm wrote
Is HE willing to have the clutter cleared?
Deanocracy t1_izbqqon wrote
Reply to comment by ibeecrazy in Proud to say that I chased down a porch pirate today by jonwilliamsl
Afternoon grabs are next level desperation.
Not sure about this… they are the norm.
We dont need to try to invent a tragic backstory that motivates every example of anti-social behavior
Deanocracy t1_iwi42ti wrote
Reply to Annual PSA: Many of the "big" black-tie New Year's Eve parties are borderline scams. Consider supporting a neighborhood bar or restaurant instead. by flimsywicket
Did the Building museum one 09 into 10.
Total trainwreck. Like my back now.
Deanocracy t1_ivhknla wrote
Reply to comment by IcyWillow1193 in What justifies pepper spraying? by [deleted]
It was such an unimportant part of the story that im surprised it was included by OP..
Yet here you are…
Deanocracy t1_iu3m7nd wrote
Reply to comment by schwars1 in Community-based places for giving treats to trick-or-treaters ? by nondescriptredditer1
Better cash out your IRA and hit up Costco if you do this!! :D
Deanocracy t1_itxpyt1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Best car detailing (~$100) by topgear04
That’s the Miami talking.
Not Chi-town
Deanocracy t1_j84gu3f wrote
Reply to comment by CreditUnlucky407thro in All-time greatest r/WashingtonDC thread by AuthorityRespecter
And it wasnt even in DC?