Deanocracy t1_it8qnot wrote
Reply to comment by Yaratam in DC 911 took 20 minutes to send paramedics to a man in cardiac arrest by whfsdude
Just learn it.
One misconception people have is that they are injuring someone.
You can put that aside since you do CPR when the person is dead. (Heartbeat has stopped)
So… its not gonna be a poor option vs doing nothing as they continue to have no blood flow.
Deanocracy t1_it001zf wrote
Reply to comment by asldkjgljkaeiovne in Car stolen, crashed with baby in back seat in Northeast DC; 14-year-old suspect arrested by drr71-2
If we look at the family history of these kids we'll quickly note that they are the product of multiple failed generations,
Yeah… a good way to visualize this for people is…
Alcoholism is not inherited… its the trauma that goes through generations. Not an addiction gene.
Deanocracy t1_isx17t0 wrote
Reply to comment by annang in 2-Year-Old Dies Days After Being Found Unconscious Outside DC Building by superdookietoiletexp
Yeah… and that’s a thing too.
Deanocracy t1_iswzyth wrote
Reply to comment by annang in 2-Year-Old Dies Days After Being Found Unconscious Outside DC Building by superdookietoiletexp
Yeah… it very much is a thing to say SE DC and refer to the area over the river.
And not Eastern Market.
Deanocracy t1_isvlje4 wrote
Reply to comment by Complex-Marzipan-218 in 2-Year-Old Dies Days After Being Found Unconscious Outside DC Building by superdookietoiletexp
Its OTR the vast majority of the residential is SE.
Colloquial term.
Deanocracy t1_isu2rvb wrote
Reply to comment by lc1138 in What to do about annoying dog barking in alley? by umadbr00
Yeah. Anonymous is the first step I think because it can avoid animosity…
Especially when you make sure the letter is with kindness. They may have doublepane super wi dows in their own house and the dog barely registers or something.
Deanocracy t1_isske7t wrote
Reply to comment by xenon_rose in What to do about annoying dog barking in alley? by umadbr00
Anonymous letter to start.
A few tips…
Don’t allude to having many people who agree that the dog is bothering them..l leads to feelings of being attacked by the group and they can react defensively
Just discuss your experience and how it impacts you. (You wfh and others hear it on zoom calls… baby woken up etc)
Don’t suggest responses by the owner.. they will take it as you telling them what they should already know.
Be nice. Ask them to help. Call the dog cute as a button.
Deanocracy t1_isklcod wrote
My guess on the discrepancy vs Cali is the access to the city on normal roads from outside.
Versus an interstate
Deanocracy t1_iqkrkld wrote
Reply to comment by SomeoneSomewhere1984 in Why does DC have such a bad public transport system? by [deleted]
We need to stop replying “its like that everywhere” to unacceptable conditions.
Deanocracy t1_itx3bzu wrote
Reply to comment by Kitchen_Software in Best Scam in DC today! by BeelzebubBubbleGum
It obviously increases crime and hampers law enforcement.
Our government (all levels) spares no expense at creating barriers to our pursuit of happiness…
But on this one purchase that usually involves thousands and tens of thousands of dollars they find the most streamlined system in the entire system.
Mind boggling