Deanocracy t1_jbu8j75 wrote
Reply to comment by Brickleberried in 5 archaic D.C. laws still technically on the books after crime bill is nixed by washingtonpost
No… they just don’t believe the proposed bill helps reduce crime.
Pretty easy to understand unless your goal is to mischaracterize their position.
Deanocracy t1_jaf1yiv wrote
Reply to comment by DrunkWoodchuck in NY Times: Biden Could Face Veto Test Over Contentious D.C. Crime Bill by Swampoodle1984
Can you point to DC engaging in this type of incarceration in the last 5 years?
Deanocracy t1_jaf1vmb wrote
Reply to comment by ottereatingpopsicles in NY Times: Biden Could Face Veto Test Over Contentious D.C. Crime Bill by Swampoodle1984
The people in question live here part time.
Did you miss one of them being attacked in her apt by a repeat offender?
Deanocracy t1_jaf1qxn wrote
Reply to comment by mr_grission in NY Times: Biden Could Face Veto Test Over Contentious D.C. Crime Bill by Swampoodle1984
They could update the criminal code with the well beibg of the citizens in mind?
Deanocracy t1_jaeak77 wrote
Reply to comment by NorseTikiBar in After violent weekend, D.C. homicides up 40 percent over last year by tehruben
It can be distorted.
But its an increase on an increase during the first half of last year.
So a concerning trend
Deanocracy t1_jadi338 wrote
Reply to comment by tossawaynsfw9 in two car jackings one person shot by MyTornArsehole
This is now the THIRD TIME someone is explaining to you that when someone is CARJACKED they are present and forced to give keys to the carjacker which makes the ignition issue irrelevant for CARJACKINGS
Deanocracy t1_jac534v wrote
Reply to comment by tossawaynsfw9 in two car jackings one person shot by MyTornArsehole
This is the second time you are being told that carjacking is not associated with Kia and Hyundai ignitions.
Carjacking is a violent crime where you are forced to give someone your car.
Deanocracy t1_ja9olj4 wrote
Reply to comment by xanadumuse in Two Stabbed Inside McDonald's on 18th by joegant
People walk around fine!!!!
::::moments later::::
I got jumped by 6 kids I’m not complainin!!
Deanocracy t1_ja9i4f6 wrote
Reply to comment by xanadumuse in Two Stabbed Inside McDonald's on 18th by joegant
When the donestic abuser is similarly let off with no punishment would that get you motivated on this issue?
Deanocracy t1_ja93uti wrote
Reply to comment by gator_fl in NBC4 Report on Carjacking confirms issues with DC Response by gator_fl
Data drives the decisions.
So having a cop walk a beat is the same to them as saying someone has an ugly girlfriend.
Deanocracy t1_ja5j295 wrote
Reply to comment by MarkinDC24 in NBC4 Report on Carjacking confirms issues with DC Response by gator_fl
For a professional consultant in this sphere you sure missed the point of my question…
Deanocracy t1_ja45puh wrote
Reply to comment by The_Sauce_DC in NBC4 Report on Carjacking confirms issues with DC Response by gator_fl
But they will in short time… so why detain them?
Deanocracy t1_ja44gth wrote
Reply to comment by The_Sauce_DC in NBC4 Report on Carjacking confirms issues with DC Response by gator_fl
Why detain them when prosecutors are going to just dismiss?
Deanocracy t1_ja44b29 wrote
Reply to comment by Jabroni_Joestar in NBC4 Report on Carjacking confirms issues with DC Response by gator_fl
No thats what happens when the digital policing revolution says they should be in a car to respond faster… per the moneyball-esque data.
Deanocracy t1_ja446n4 wrote
Reply to comment by MarkinDC24 in NBC4 Report on Carjacking confirms issues with DC Response by gator_fl
What happens when the criminal is arrested?
Nothing. So why focus on this when they arrest them and nothibg happens?
Deanocracy t1_ja440lf wrote
Reply to comment by swampoodler in NBC4 Report on Carjacking confirms issues with DC Response by gator_fl
Keep that anger towards the prosecutor that would not prosecute them for anything on the basis they cant prove carjaccking.
Possession of stolen property? Unauthorized use of a vehicle? Trespassing… yaaaawwwn naw
Deanocracy t1_ja2ns7w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Catholics up in arms because there are not enough kids for the Papacy to fuck and they can't fuck them fast enough. by [deleted]
Ummmm… Epstein is Catholic??
Deanocracy t1_j9d3jst wrote
Reply to Pool vs tear out by smileusgood
How do you vacay?
Do you hang by a pool at a nice resort? Keep it. You’ll do that every available weekend in summer.
Deanocracy t1_j9d38kp wrote
Reply to comment by Milazzo in Pool vs tear out by smileusgood
Its 4 without a heater.
Water gets coooold. April no september no.
Deanocracy t1_j9230uj wrote
Reply to comment by OctoberCaddis in Armed Robbery Outside Eliot-Hine Middle School by AndreTippettPoint
Yeah… pretty rare.
Deanocracy t1_j91fbty wrote
Reply to comment by TooSwang in Armed Robbery Outside Eliot-Hine Middle School by AndreTippettPoint
Do you believe that the current frustration with the justice system is that they are consistently only sentencibg armed robbers to 8 years when the vocal rabble of reddit demands 12?
Deanocracy t1_j90tbcm wrote
Reply to comment by BrightThru2014 in Armed Robbery Outside Eliot-Hine Middle School by AndreTippettPoint
It’s a twist of the logic. Having a stiffer penalty won’t stop someone from deciding to be an anti-social menace. They won’t weigh the consequences and see a difference between 5 years and 10 years for example.
And I’d agree that high functioning time preference and long term planning isn’t a strength of most violent criminals.
Believing there is no punishment (or a very small likelihood which is what DC is) would explode crime. See porch pirates.
So they say longer sentences to obscure reality. We want say…5 years for being a felon with a gun with the serial number her shaved off,,, that seems reasonable. They get zero too often.
They hear “longer sentences” because 5 is more than 0 and repeat mindlessly “longer sentences don’t reduce crime”.
My fellow citizen… we want A sentence… not 40 years for shoplifting,
Deanocracy t1_j90snsi wrote
Reply to comment by DrunkWoodchuck in Armed Robbery Outside Eliot-Hine Middle School by AndreTippettPoint
This is recognition of a problem..l literally step one. Good
DC govt has control over OAG and youth prosecution and that is even lighter in holding violent criminals responsible
Our sentencing limits are fine. If properly applied they of course reduce crime by removing criminals from society. The problem is the lack of any sentencing not the limits. You don’t need to spam “longer sentences don’t reduce crime” like a bot. No one wants harsher sentences on the books.
You have completely limited the liability of the situation we are in. YOU know about it how? What wapo articles have you read discussing the USAO awful track record? Where did this understanding off the ineffectiveness of USAO you allude to come from?
Why isn’t it a step that our media needs to be reporting the courts? Why shouldn’t we desire a full transparency into our judicial system? Heck they could keep it anon and just discuss the case and it would be effective.
Deanocracy t1_j85jcqa wrote
Reply to comment by FlimFlamMagoo728 in All-time greatest r/WashingtonDC thread by AuthorityRespecter
We ironically get “invaded” by Baltimore mods frequently lol
Deanocracy t1_jbua69p wrote
Reply to comment by acdha in 5 archaic D.C. laws still technically on the books after crime bill is nixed by washingtonpost
“They” did huh.