
Decronym t1_j9nep56 wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |ASAT|Anti-Satellite weapon| |BFR|Big Falcon Rocket (2018 rebiggened edition)| | |Yes, the F stands for something else; no, you're not the first to notice| |FAA|Federal Aviation Administration| |ITAR|(US) International Traffic in Arms Regulations| |SLS|Space Launch System heavy-lift|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |Starlink|SpaceX's world-wide satellite broadband constellation|

^(6 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 8 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8598 for this sub, first seen 23rd Feb 2023, 05:24]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j9maxib wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |AR|Area Ratio (between rocket engine nozzle and bell)| | |Aerojet Rocketdyne| | |Augmented Reality real-time processing| | |Anti-Reflective optical coating| |GEO|Geostationary Earth Orbit (35786km)| |JWST|James Webb infra-red Space Telescope| |LEO|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)|

^(4 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 7 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8597 for this sub, first seen 23rd Feb 2023, 00:12]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j98tbns wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |ESA|European Space Agency| |HST|Hubble Space Telescope| |JWST|James Webb infra-red Space Telescope|

^(1 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has acronyms.)
^([Thread #8587 for this sub, first seen 20th Feb 2023, 03:14]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j97chre wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |DLR|Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center), Cologne| |ESA|European Space Agency| |MER|Mars Exploration Rover (Spirit/Opportunity)| | |Mission Evaluation Room in back of Mission Control|

^(1 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 3 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8586 for this sub, first seen 19th Feb 2023, 20:33]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j8znvmk wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |FAA|Federal Aviation Administration| |GEO|Geostationary Earth Orbit (35786km)| |ICBM|Intercontinental Ballistic Missile| |LEO|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)| |MEO|Medium Earth Orbit (2000-35780km)| |SSTO|Single Stage to Orbit| | |Supersynchronous Transfer Orbit| |USAF|United States Air Force|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |apogee|Highest point in an elliptical orbit around Earth (when the orbiter is slowest)|

^(8 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has acronyms.)
^([Thread #8578 for this sub, first seen 18th Feb 2023, 02:40]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j8qlzpl wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |JWST|James Webb infra-red Space Telescope| |NRHO|Near-Rectilinear Halo Orbit| |NRO|(US) National Reconnaissance Office| | |Near-Rectilinear Orbit, see NRHO|

^(2 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 15 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8573 for this sub, first seen 16th Feb 2023, 06:16]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j8on4c1 wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |CNC|Computerized Numerical Control, for precise machining or measuring| |DMLS|Selective Laser Melting additive manufacture, also Direct Metal Laser Sintering| |QA|Quality Assurance/Assessment|

^(3 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 8 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8570 for this sub, first seen 15th Feb 2023, 21:06]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j8mktgu wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |HLS|Human Landing System (Artemis)| |SN|(Raptor/Starship) Serial Number|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |Raptor|Methane-fueled rocket engine under development by SpaceX| |Starlink|SpaceX's world-wide satellite broadband constellation|

^(4 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 11 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8567 for this sub, first seen 15th Feb 2023, 12:34]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j8b6pr2 wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |L1|Lagrange Point 1 of a two-body system, between the bodies| |NOAA|National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, responsible for US generation monitoring of the climate|

Event Date Description
DSCOVR 2015-02-11 F9-015 v1.1, Deep Space Climate Observatory to L1; soft ocean landing

^(2 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 7 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8555 for this sub, first seen 13th Feb 2023, 00:46]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j836ti8 wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |BFR|Big Falcon Rocket (2018 rebiggened edition)| | |Yes, the F stands for something else; no, you're not the first to notice| |ITS|Interplanetary Transport System (2016 oversized edition) (see MCT)| | |Integrated Truss Structure| |MCT|Mars Colonial Transporter (see ITS)| |SLS|Space Launch System heavy-lift|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |Raptor|Methane-fueled rocket engine under development by SpaceX|

^(3 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 36 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8544 for this sub, first seen 11th Feb 2023, 07:55]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j7zqi47 wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |BO|Blue Origin (Bezos Rocketry)| |C3|Characteristic Energy above that required for escape| |EVA|Extra-Vehicular Activity| |FCC|Federal Communications Commission| | |(Iron/steel) Face-Centered Cubic crystalline structure| |GTO|Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit| |HLS|Human Landing System (Artemis)| |SLS|Space Launch System heavy-lift| |SOP|Standard Operating Procedure| |ULA|United Launch Alliance (Lockheed/Boeing joint venture)| |USAF|United States Air Force|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |Starlink|SpaceX's world-wide satellite broadband constellation|

^(11 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 15 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8542 for this sub, first seen 10th Feb 2023, 15:53]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j7tjpdj wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |BE-4|Blue Engine 4 methalox rocket engine, developed by Blue Origin (2018), 2400kN| |CST|(Boeing) Crew Space Transportation capsules| | |Central Standard Time (UTC-6)| |FAA|Federal Aviation Administration| |NSF|NasaSpaceFlight forum| | |National Science Foundation| |SLS|Space Launch System heavy-lift| |ULA|United Launch Alliance (Lockheed/Boeing joint venture)|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |Starliner|Boeing commercial crew capsule CST-100| |Starlink|SpaceX's world-wide satellite broadband constellation| |methalox|Portmanteau: methane fuel, liquid oxygen oxidizer|

^(7 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 16 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8532 for this sub, first seen 9th Feb 2023, 08:13]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j7ocpag wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |C3|Characteristic Energy above that required for escape| |F1|Rocketdyne-developed rocket engine used for Saturn V| | |SpaceX Falcon 1 (obsolete medium-lift vehicle)| |JWST|James Webb infra-red Space Telescope|

^(3 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 10 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8527 for this sub, first seen 8th Feb 2023, 06:10]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j7hivg8 wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |ESA|European Space Agency| |ICBM|Intercontinental Ballistic Missile| |Isp|Specific impulse (as explained by Scott Manley on YouTube)| | |Internet Service Provider| |JPL|Jet Propulsion Lab, California| |MON|Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen| |NTR|Nuclear Thermal Rocket| |RTG|Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |Raptor|Methane-fueled rocket engine under development by SpaceX|

^(8 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 10 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8521 for this sub, first seen 6th Feb 2023, 21:02]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j6lyizc wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |ASAT|Anti-Satellite weapon| |DoD|US Department of Defense| |ESA|European Space Agency| |GEO|Geostationary Earth Orbit (35786km)| |GNSS|Global Navigation Satellite System(s)| |LEO|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)| |MEO|Medium Earth Orbit (2000-35780km)| |PNT|Positioning, Navigation and Timing|

^(8 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 15 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8501 for this sub, first seen 31st Jan 2023, 06:57]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j6k6koi wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |Isp|Specific impulse (as explained by Scott Manley on YouTube)| | |Internet Service Provider| |JPL|Jet Propulsion Lab, California| |LEO|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)| |NEO|Near-Earth Object|

^(4 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 14 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8500 for this sub, first seen 30th Jan 2023, 22:21]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j6iixue wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |DARPA|(Defense) Advanced Research Projects Agency, DoD| |DoD|US Department of Defense| |FFSC|Full-Flow Staged Combustion| |H2|Molecular hydrogen| | |Second half of the year/month| |HEU|Highly-Enriched Uranium, fissile material with a high percentage of U-235 ("boom stuff")| |Isp|Specific impulse (as explained by Scott Manley on YouTube)| | |Internet Service Provider| |LH2|Liquid Hydrogen| |NTR|Nuclear Thermal Rocket| |SSTO|Single Stage to Orbit| | |Supersynchronous Transfer Orbit|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |EMdrive|Prototype-stage reactionless propulsion drive, using an asymmetrical resonant chamber and microwaves| |hydrolox|Portmanteau: liquid hydrogen fuel, liquid oxygen oxidizer| |turbopump|High-pressure turbine-driven propellant pump connected to a rocket combustion chamber; raises chamber pressure, and thrust|

^(11 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 15 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8497 for this sub, first seen 30th Jan 2023, 16:09]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j6hysrd wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |CNSA|Chinese National Space Administration| |LEO|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)| |SLS|Space Launch System heavy-lift|

^(3 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 14 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8496 for this sub, first seen 30th Jan 2023, 13:45]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j6bj9lf wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |KSC|Kennedy Space Center, Florida| |STS|Space Transportation System (Shuttle)| |TDRSS|(US) Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System|

^(3 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 14 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8494 for this sub, first seen 29th Jan 2023, 03:45]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j6ajz9v wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |BFG|Big Falcon Grasshopper ("Locust"), BFS test article| |BFR|Big Falcon Rocket (2018 rebiggened edition)| | |Yes, the F stands for something else; no, you're not the first to notice| |BFS|Big Falcon Spaceship (see BFR)| |CME|Coronal Mass Ejection| |CST|(Boeing) Crew Space Transportation capsules| | |Central Standard Time (UTC-6)| |ESA|European Space Agency| |EUS|Exploration Upper Stage| |GEO|Geostationary Earth Orbit (35786km)| |HLS|Human Landing System (Artemis)| |ICPS|Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage| |ITS|Interplanetary Transport System (2016 oversized edition) (see MCT)| | |Integrated Truss Structure| |Isp|Specific impulse (as explained by Scott Manley on YouTube)| | |Internet Service Provider| |KSP|Kerbal Space Program, the rocketry simulator| |LEO|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)| |MCT|Mars Colonial Transporter (see ITS)| |NERVA|Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (proposed engine design)| |NRHO|Near-Rectilinear Halo Orbit| |SLS|Space Launch System heavy-lift| |SRB|Solid Rocket Booster| |SSME|Space Shuttle Main Engine| |TLI|Trans-Lunar Injection maneuver| |TMI|Trans-Mars Injection maneuver|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |Raptor|Methane-fueled rocket engine under development by SpaceX| |Starliner|Boeing commercial crew capsule CST-100| |ablative|Material which is intentionally destroyed in use (for example, heatshields which burn away to dissipate heat)| |apogee|Highest point in an elliptical orbit around Earth (when the orbiter is slowest)|

^(23 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 10 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8493 for this sub, first seen 28th Jan 2023, 23:09]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j63tvpy wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |CLPS|Commercial Lunar Payload Services| |GEO|Geostationary Earth Orbit (35786km)| |NET|No Earlier Than|

|Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |Starlink|SpaceX's world-wide satellite broadband constellation|

^(4 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 26 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8487 for this sub, first seen 27th Jan 2023, 14:57]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j626cic wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |SLS|Space Launch System heavy-lift| |SRB|Solid Rocket Booster| |SSME|Space Shuttle Main Engine|

^(3 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 26 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8486 for this sub, first seen 27th Jan 2023, 04:21]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j5tfnyv wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |LEO|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)| |NERVA|Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application (proposed engine design)| |NTP|Nuclear Thermal Propulsion| | |Network Time Protocol| |NTR|Nuclear Thermal Rocket| |RTG|Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator|

^(5 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 12 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8482 for this sub, first seen 25th Jan 2023, 13:17]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j5iuj1s wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |ESA|European Space Agency| |LIGO|Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory| |LISA|Laser Interferometer Space Antenna|

^(3 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 22 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8467 for this sub, first seen 23rd Jan 2023, 08:35]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])


Decronym t1_j5294vu wrote

Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread:

|Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |ESA|European Space Agency| |L4|"Trojan" Lagrange Point 4 of a two-body system, 60 degrees ahead of the smaller body| |LEO|Low Earth Orbit (180-2000km)| | |Law Enforcement Officer (most often mentioned during transport operations)|

^(3 acronyms in this thread; )^(the most compressed thread commented on today)^( has 19 acronyms.)
^([Thread #8453 for this sub, first seen 19th Jan 2023, 21:58]) ^[FAQ] ^([Full list]) ^[Contact] ^([Source code])