DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iua8v36 wrote
Reply to Need recommendations.. by hayb24
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DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iua80nj wrote
I'm surprised that no one has yet mentioned the fan. Gorgeous in autumn.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iu9nwa8 wrote
Reply to comment by verbalddos in Where can I get a good bagel sandwich in this town? by u-turnsonthehighway
Chewys does not attempt to make a nyc-style bagel. They proudly hang this art on their wall:
Go to Bodos in Charlottesville for a better bagel
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iu5zw0u wrote
Reply to comment by KDRadio1 in Rusty with another banger! by AAAPosts
I'm not sure why you would say that
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iu5oi60 wrote
Reply to comment by skeevy-stevie in Rusty with another banger! by AAAPosts
The tag was visible in street view as of August 2022, so I don't think OP is just bragging about last night's conquest:,-77.4603908,3a,75y,177.5h,96.58t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1stDNOI-KyYfJh0fuALFrsLA!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iu5kd53 wrote
Reply to Rusty with another banger! by AAAPosts
This is the same tagger you posted about the other day?
TBH this doesn't seem like particularly impressive graffiti.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iu4hbmi wrote
Reply to Living near RIR? by [deleted]
What makes it an international raceway? International in the same way our airport is? /s
I live on West Laburnum Ave, not close to RIR, and I think the road on its own is noisy enough to disturb me in my bedroom at the rear of my house.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iu1uqoz wrote
Reply to comment by Ms-Pamplemousse in New local restaurant delivery app serving 20 restaurants -- FoodUp by Ms-Pamplemousse
If it requires an install then I will never use their service
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_itz97uw wrote
Reply to comment by stimulusfunctions in MF Doom might be living too much up to his name by hazyrva
Goddam right
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_itx3tfi wrote
Reply to comment by robbiearebest in Town of Ashland launches free public Wi-Fi network to support tourism, boost businesses by ThatChildNextDoor
Do you mean the choice of colors, or the order of the color sequence? I just thought it was weird how it went red to orange to green before visiting yellow...
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_itwe0bd wrote
Reply to Town of Ashland launches free public Wi-Fi network to support tourism, boost businesses by ThatChildNextDoor
Strange choice of color coding, but otherwise looks good:
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_itmomtp wrote
Reply to comment by lemonartichoke in Dentist recommendation for the phobic? by anontnturntable
Disagree. Tried to take my kids there, discovered a cavity, referred us to a specialist. Then they looked at my (adult) teeth, found a maybe-issue with an old crown, referred me to a specialist.
I decided that I wanted instead a dentist who did their own work and wouldn't just farm me out to specialists all over the region.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_itkomsm wrote
Reply to Mondaily, anyone? by OopsImACrow
I need to run too many errands on top of my work day today. I'm feeling a bit flustered
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_itbr9xo wrote
Reply to Experience with recruiters in RVA? by greencheeseplz
I work in tech so I'm frequently contacted by both in house recruiters and headhunters. As yet every one of them has been hiring for jobs outside of the Richmond metro region.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_it24kbm wrote
Reply to comment by diocboedskes in Cupertino's has the best bagels by STREAMOFCONSCIOUSN3S
> Chewy’s is the only good bagel in Richmond
Chewy's makes a competent sourdough loaf that coincidentally is shaped like a bagel---a "bagel-shaped object" or "BSO" if you will. However, they make a poor bagel.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_it247ly wrote
Reply to Paint It Pink! by RammmITTT
This will have no effect on thefts.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_isxp83k wrote
Reply to comment by rattylight in It's time for the Humpdaily thread! by CopOnTheRun
Check out Idles
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_isxp2ec wrote
Reply to comment by njbrews in It's time for the Humpdaily thread! by CopOnTheRun
woot woot!
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_isxnab2 wrote
Reply to comment by freetimerva in North Side Post Office and "Clerk 14" by CptJaxxParrow
By extension, maybe they would move Clerk 14 to a role where he doesn't interact with other humans.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_isx6vew wrote
Reply to North Side Post Office and "Clerk 14" by CptJaxxParrow
>"respect to my elders."
Sounds like he has started an arms race. Next time you need to bring an even older person to tell him to shut up.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_isp8gr8 wrote
Reply to comment by 5252_rpm in 11 shot in Richmond within one week by Charlesinrichmond
In the context of a shooting I'm not sure there is one. Seems most likely that their graphic design intern wasn't paying much attention when they made that graphic.
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_isp84ru wrote
Reply to comment by AtwoodAKC in 11 shot in Richmond within one week by Charlesinrichmond
Which? Weren't there two separate incidents in Westover hills?
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_isjgvg0 wrote
Reply to Moved to Florida and want to come back by heartrva
How long have you been in Florida? It's natural to feel unsettled when you move to a new place.
If you find that Florida doesn't match you, there's nothing wrong with that. But keep in mind that you wanted to try something new. So why come back to Richmond---why not try a third place? New Orleans, Baltimore, Austin, Memphis...
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_isflaoi wrote
Reply to Another Shooting by Asterion7
Is this different than the one yesterday at Westover hills?
Edit: yes this is a different shooting than the elementary school
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iua9ypb wrote
Reply to Any good bike paths around town? by No_Variety_4997
Congrats on getting a bike. You will grow more confident with experience and will eventually learn to anticipate when a driver is about to do some risky shit. Til then, stick to roads with protected bike lanes like Franklin or Brook, and try to join in group rides as another poster had suggested