
DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iy35c4t wrote

A friend of mine at some big tech firm encouraged me to apply to a specific job, told me that as soon as I apply (thru the website) he would use his inside influence to usher me quickly to the top of the interview process.

Sure enough, I didn't have to wait long at all before I receive the rejection email :)


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_ixyxgzp wrote

My trash is collected once a week, my recycling every two weeks. For my household this is backwards. We can fill our recycling bin in a week, but our trashcan generally takes two or three to fill.

Does this match anyone else's experience?


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_ixlq5wr wrote

Just make sure you live somewhere between the Museum District and Churc Hill, and make sure you don't have kids.

From experience, as soon as you go north of the interstate (still within Richmond-proper, mind you) things become dramatically less walkable and more auto dependent, and the bus network is sparser. It's still an easy bike ride---for an adult---but don't expect your kids to make that ride with you.

In summary check this map:


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_ix8f4yv wrote

I mean, you're both right.

Also, everything would be a lot easier if I lived in the denser part of town (somewhere between MD and CH). Northside is carsy, and because of the interstate/railroads, I need to get onto busy roads like Brook, Chamberlayne, Hermitage, or AA to reach anything.

Again, all these things are well within my ability as an adult cyclist, but they are big impediments to kids.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_ix5t6dm wrote

I've been continuously frustrated by public transit in Richmond since moving here.

Generally, it's easier/faster for me to ride my bike than take the buses, but my kids can't ride along as far as I can go, so with them I'm stuck on the buses or stuck in my neighborhood. It's routinely depressing.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_ivlg6hs wrote

My kids had a respiratory something: persistent cough and mild fevers, lasting for ~1 week.

I caught a 24-hour bug over the weekend. Initially I assumed it was the same as the kids, but the symptoms and duration are different: GI issues, alternating fever/chills, headache/body aches.


DefaultSubsAreTerrib t1_iui1otg wrote

About once a month I commute 350miles.

Other days I work from home or bike about 2.5mi to an office downtown. But that's not why I wake up early. I wake up early so I have time for a run before the kids wake.