Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_jbcjzzt wrote
Reply to comment by iidesune in Anyone know what this is about? Full-on CSI investigation going on right now outside the Association of American Law Schools building in Dupont. by hannahmontanaswig
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_j8b18oi wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Stolen Scooter outside Columbia Heights Metro Station by x1echo
This man is a troll, do yourself/the rest of the sub a favor: downvote and move on.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim OP t1_j63nudu wrote
Reply to comment by SSSS_car_go in Donating a catty couch? by Dennis_Duffy_Denim
Appreciate this! There’s some interest on Buy Nothing, so I’ll give that advice to whoever ends up taking it.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim OP t1_j61lcbf wrote
Reply to comment by pomegranatecloud in Donating a catty couch? by Dennis_Duffy_Denim
Jesus Christ no.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim OP t1_j61in4u wrote
Reply to comment by roadnotaken in Donating a catty couch? by Dennis_Duffy_Denim
Seems like it!
Dennis_Duffy_Denim OP t1_j61iieg wrote
Reply to comment by pomegranatecloud in Donating a catty couch? by Dennis_Duffy_Denim
I do know that. My thinking was more: if someone could use a couch and doesn’t mind patching it in two places, it’s perfectly fine, especially if you’ve got no place else to sit. But if that’s the general idea - that something is more useful in a landfill - then we are more than ready to chuck it.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim OP t1_j61i5xj wrote
Reply to comment by messmaker523 in Donating a catty couch? by Dennis_Duffy_Denim
Wow, lovely opinion you’ve got there. For the record, we’re perfectly willing to chuck it and got quotes for disposal, but given it’s structurally sound, wanted to see if doing a mitzvah was an option. I see that strains credibility for you and I’m sorry about that.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_j2dj9tz wrote
Reply to comment by heyiambob in Driver hits 2 women near White House, killing 1 by MrSpontaneous
I’ve been noticing that on Connecticut and Wisconsin Avenues particularly - they haven’t been trimming trees/boughs and it’s actually obstructing some of the traffic lights. Reminds me to 311 some stuff. Thank you!
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_j218ol7 wrote
Reply to Zoolights (Overrated Holiday Activities) by tiakeuta
To each their own. I like Zoolights because it’s fun to walk around in the cold, drink some warm alcoholic beverage, and socialize with the people with whom I attend. Also, it’s free.
I’ve always found going out on New Year’s Eve a subpar experience, but I get why other folks enjoy it. I think a lot of bridge and tunnel folk get scammed with the big NYE parties downtown, though, which sucks.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_iyanjul wrote
Upper NW has older buildings that might suit your purposes. though maybe not your budget. Pre-war is really best for thick walls. We only hear one of our neighbors ever, and it’s because they have a big dog who barks occasionally.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_ixzp5ig wrote
Reply to Candle Vigil for Urumqi Victims Against CCP will be in DC 12/5 5pm on Freedom Plaza by zjr1130
Don’t start with “Red China” if you want this post to be taken seriously. Sounds like some 1950s McCarthy language, completely lacking nuance and painting the entire country with a broad brush. Say the Chinese government, the Chinese Communist Party, or something else that actually names those at fault.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_iustl0n wrote
Reply to Stolen campaign signs by PatsFreak101
My ma had a sign that just said “VOTE” stolen from outside her house.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_itmjm8o wrote
Reply to comment by brodies in Rocky Mountain oysters in DC by periwinklepenguin
Testy Fest is perhaps my favorite name for a thing ever. Well done Montana State Society.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_itlx2kp wrote
Reply to comment by The_Prospektor in Anthem refusing to refund Arcade Fire tickets by porterpilsner
Yeah, I paid $70 for it when Beck was on the ticket, who is going to buy a resale version of that ticket without Beck? Absolutely batty. Trying to offload mine via Instagram.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_isvg48k wrote
Reply to 2-Year-Old Dies Days After Being Found Unconscious Outside DC Building by superdookietoiletexp
These stories just make you despair of humanity.
My friend’s much-loved young son died in his sleep last week and his memorial was one of the most wrenching events I’ve ever attended; tiny coffin, everyone sobbing. I just cannot imagine what would drive someone to physically abuse and essentially kill a baby.
Dennis_Duffy_Denim t1_je1j9eu wrote
Reply to Where to buy matzah by hellodc27
Streets Market in Adams Morgan had it last I checked