
DenseCalligrapher219 t1_iy4rzhb wrote

First of is that i will acknowledge that there are indeed people in Russia that are stupidly proud of this invasion no matter how wrong it is because that's what propaganda does to you.

I feel like half of those who support this war have no idea what it truly entails and what's happening, they assume that it's just a "special military operation" to defeat "Ukrainian Neo-Nazis" which is of course complete BS. The war exists out of a combination of preventing Ukraine from joining NATO in any way and a bizarre belief from Putin that Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians are one people when in reality is that while they share similar culture and religion they still have distinctions in names, some aspects of their languages and national identities.

Saying they share common roots, cultures and history is fair enough but saying that there is no difference between them and they are really one people called Russians is utter bananas and the sort of mythologized pseudo-history that exists as part of fascist thinking which is ironic for someone who wants to "liberate" Ukraine from "Neo-Nazis".

As for the interim government in all honestly while the terms given would have been harsh it was either that or keep fighting in an unwinnable war that has become widely despised by Russians thanks to the sheer incompetency of the previous reign of Nicholas The Second, the defeats and economic hardship they had to endure meant that they wanted an end to the hopeless fighting.

Another thing to note is how the provisional government at the time was suffering from infighting between the political party Alexander Kerensky was leading and the military that lead to a near coup by Kornilov against Kerensky which lead the the latter on relying Lenin's Bolsheviks to hold onto power which amounted to nothing when the people got so pissed of and frustrated at WW1 that Lenin pretty much instigated the October Revolution and overthrew the provisional government.

Little details like these you ignore to justify your wild, insanely incomprehensible and illogical narrative, especially when you KEEP ON USING the word "ruzzia" in places that makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever!

Like seriously what the hell does Lenin have to do with "ruzzia" or "ruzzians" in your mind? If anything the only thing Lenin and Putin have in common is that they are dictators but that's that. Lenin, for his many flaws and someone who ultimately did become a repressive dictator, was a genuine about his belief in Communism in helping the working classes, despised imperialism, truly believed in his revolution to establish a better society and despite becoming an undemocratic, authoritarian leader he never trusted Stalin and thought the latter was too cruel to have a leading role in the USSR.

Seriously the way you use "ruzzia" so haphazardly and in random places that makes no sense practically strips the word of it's meaning and turns it into a bigoted, anti-russian term since you keeps using that as a substitute for just Russians and the fact that it's a unique term created solely against Russians as opposed to calling those who support the invasion and glorification of a nation just plainly fascists.

What you are saying more or less justifies my assertion that "ruzzia" is basically the N-word for Russians at this point.
