Depression_spice t1_jcyo5mm wrote
Reply to comment by pulse14 in TIL The people giving out free samples at Costco do not work for Costco but a separate company by CA_Mini
You can see it in their eyes.
Depression_spice t1_j29b38c wrote
Reply to comment by MissionViejo92692 in TIL In the 1980s, an obscene image was snuck into one of the ice cubes in a Coca-Cola ad in South Australia. The company recalled and destroyed all of the posters, and the artist responsible for the image was fired and sued. by 54_actual
Explains the little mermaid cover thing. That and boys love laughing at dick drawings.
Depression_spice t1_j21e0p4 wrote
Reply to comment by SwagChemist in Golden Retriever Does a Tippytap by leinathan
You left out the game tying at the last second part
Depression_spice t1_j1iy0wv wrote
Reply to comment by tots4scott in [Image] My fellow Kings and Queens, dont let your negative selftalk mud who you truly are 💎 by mantasmark
Snapshot vs full picture
Depression_spice t1_jdrjoto wrote
Reply to comment by jar1967 in TIL in 1979, in between a double-header, the White Sox exploded a crate filled with disco records to stands of over 50k disco haters. Thousands flocked to the field afterward, which became so destroyed that they forfeit the 2nd game to the Tigers - the last time in AL history. by JackMacWindowsLinux
10 cent beer night is legendary though. This guy is a legend.