DerSturmbannfuror t1_ith4t5w wrote
Reply to comment by newport100 in ‘Deeply concerning’: NJ Mayor reacts to video of GOP election official removing Democratic campaign signs by Fit_Hovercraft3827
Lol you can do the same if they bother you so much
DerSturmbannfuror t1_itd2ne5 wrote
Reply to Anyone know what this bug is? by kdternal
It's a Skatepark bug
DerSturmbannfuror t1_ithnuto wrote
Reply to comment by WalkingOnSunShine12 in A Nearby Star Has Completely Blasted Away the Atmosphere From its Planet by Tao_Dragon
Total loss of our atmosphere. The tremendous winds generated as the air left the earth would destroy everything. You’d be dead b4 you died of asphyxiation