Deslah t1_ixl2f2u wrote
Reply to Job hunters around the Jersey City area beware! "Roundabout Marketing" and "Filo Associates" pyramid scheme companies are running wild. by Vivid_Ground1930
Already mentioned a few months ago in r/Scams, too.
(Oh wait, I see you’ve posted in that thread, too. It would’ve been nice for you to have provided the link to that older thread in this newer thread.)
Deslah t1_ixjiuxq wrote
Reply to comment by Katyann623 in To NJ drivers: does putting your turn signal on mean you can merge into a lane when and wherever you want or are you supposed to wait for an opening? by [deleted]
>my front bumper was past her back bumper
>my front bumper was past her back door (from a different comment)
First...which is it? Bumper? or door?
Second, if either of those is true, how did you see her blinker blinking?
I'm not saying your story is shaky...but someone really should be holding the ladder it's standing on.
Deslah t1_ixjew1r wrote
Reply to comment by Katyann623 in To NJ drivers: does putting your turn signal on mean you can merge into a lane when and wherever you want or are you supposed to wait for an opening? by [deleted]
Of course. Of course.
Deslah t1_ixixpw1 wrote
Reply to comment by Katyann623 in To NJ drivers: does putting your turn signal on mean you can merge into a lane when and wherever you want or are you supposed to wait for an opening? by [deleted]
You had the option to yield your right of way. You decided against it. That's your right...and you might still be a jerk for how you insisted on it. We weren't there and we'll never know...
Ask yourself, why not let her merge? Look at how it's eating at you to the point that you seek out our approval here when all you had to do was ease up, give another human a break and that would've been that.
And you definitely would've had our approval of that.
Deslah t1_ixa0tu9 wrote
Reply to comment by jimmybot in NJ Turnpike Authority Transforms a Useless $4.4B Project into a Useless $10.7B Project by jimmybot
Wait, the other Jersey highways are paved in gold, though.
Deslah t1_ix5ffaf wrote
Reply to comment by Kat_ri in Caught in Another Sub by aWolfeinIdaho
You know, in that particular example, I'm gonna actually hold onto that thought and continue to contemplate whether she was embracing or in fact ridiculing. (She was ridiculous, but that's a whole other matter.) I'll leave these here in any case.
Deslah t1_ix3msut wrote
Reply to comment by StewofPuppies in Caught in Another Sub by aWolfeinIdaho
You post was ten hours ago. I had a good sleep in the meantime, thank you. And I've avoided detention so far.
Deslah t1_ix2c0ti wrote
Reply to Caught in Another Sub by aWolfeinIdaho
The Cultural Appropriation Police need to work harder to cut back on their own form of "police brutality".
And, that's exactly what it usually is: a form of Cultural Appropriation Police brutality under the guise of being corrective measures.
No doubt, just as there is very real crime that we need actual police officers to respond to, so are there genuine examples of cultural appropriation--for example, hateful intentional denigration of peoples and cultures.
But, all too often, Cultural Appropriation Police actions are an overreach and are actually a form of human rights violation themselves. Improper assessment results in innocent people being deprived of their own right to be free from discrimination.
For example, a white ice cream salesman in San Francisco was 'brutalized' by the Cultural Appropriation Police for daring to introduce Asian-inspired flavors like Thai tea and coconut pandan. The CA Police would've had you believe he should only sell "white US male" flavors.
During overreach actions, innocents are not immune from being 'detained' by members of their own race. In one action, Michael Che (from Saturday Night Live) wrote the sketch titled "Gen Z Hospital" which starred Elon Musk and purportedly mocked Gen Z slang. But Michael Che was immediately apprehended when the CA Police determined that some of phrases came from African American Vernacular English (AAVE) (which--we'd like to remind the Police--is a pool from which Gen Z's were drawn!).
And abuse of cultural appropriation determination authority is certainly not new--back in 2013, Miley Cyrus 'twerked' at the VMAs and was immediately 'arrested' by the CA Police due to her lack of African-American roots.
Deslah t1_iwzjueg wrote
Reply to There was a dead bird inside our AirBnB by fanseman
Now that you showed us what's for breakfast, where's the bed part of the deal?
Deslah t1_iwvynhs wrote
Reply to comment by NJxBlumpkin in Is there a way to talk to a direct NJ labor agent about illegal work conditions? by [deleted]
Can't argue with you on that--it's disgusting, actually.
Deslah t1_iwufzry wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is there a way to talk to a direct NJ labor agent about illegal work conditions? by [deleted]
So, even though we've presented to you clear evidence that there's no legal requirement for employers to provide breaks--even meal breaks, you're still insistent that it's mandated? What the hell? Where is it mandated--other than in your own workplace by your own employer?
Deslah t1_iwu4t2v wrote
Reply to comment by jailguard81 in Is there a way to talk to a direct NJ labor agent about illegal work conditions? by [deleted]
NJ law: OP is not entitled to breaks--even meal breaks--unless it was documented in an enforceable offer letter or employment contract. Sad, but true.
Deslah t1_iwu4m1f wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is there a way to talk to a direct NJ labor agent about illegal work conditions? by [deleted]
Why on Earth did you double-down without looking it up?
While employers typically provide lunch and meal breaks in New Jersey, there is no legal requirement for most employers to provide any breaks. Your right to take time off might be set by a formal policy in the company’s employee handbook, an informal policy or even an unwritten practice. These policies are rarely legally enforceable. However, if you do have an enforceable offer letter or employment contract that spells out how much time you can take off for meals or other breaks, there is a good chance that agreement is legally enforceable.
Deslah t1_iwu3swx wrote
Reply to comment by ratinthecellar in Is there a way to talk to a direct NJ labor agent about illegal work conditions? by [deleted]
Sorry, but food banks in the United States are just another business. People like to call them "non-profit", but that's just their taxation status. Their own staff and the businesses they partner with 'profit' very greatly. (Of course, they're served by good-hearted volunteers who don't bother to look behind the curtain.)
In this case, Jersey Mike is donating 20 percent of sales for one weekend to "FEEDING AMERICA®". And FEEDING AMERICA®'s CEO earns very close to $1 million a year.
Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, the top executive at Feeding America — which represents food banks — got a raise of nearly $154,000 in the group's 2021 fiscal year, bringing her total compensation to $969,325.
Deslah t1_iwsk4u0 wrote
Reply to Is there a way to talk to a direct NJ labor agent about illegal work conditions? by [deleted]
Jersey Mike's just got done paying an assload of fines for this shit. The investigators will be pleased to know that they haven't learned their lesson.
Here's a press release about the previous fines:
A newspaper article:
To file a complaint:
You could also contact the reporter for that newspaper article:
Michael L. Diamond is a business reporter who has been writing about the New Jersey economy and health care industry for more than 20 years. He can be reached at
Deslah t1_iws76vc wrote
Reply to Newark Airport by DylNJ32
Depends entirely on the weather.
Deslah t1_iu14qmu wrote
Reply to comment by whaler76 in Is it just me or is like 100% more people commuting this week vs before by Tasty-Flan6767
Deslah t1_iu14lsj wrote
Reply to comment by WhatDidIDoNow in Is it just me or is like 100% more people commuting this week vs before by Tasty-Flan6767
I'd like to tell you a very fascinating story about that GIF...but truth is, I just found it randomly within the Reddit GIF gallery!
Deslah t1_iu13t4m wrote
Reply to comment by surfnowokgo in Is it just me or is like 100% more people commuting this week vs before by Tasty-Flan6767
Why didn't you say a 2nd grader crossing a turnpike while being egged on by onlookers who are all shouting, "do it! do it! do it!"?
Third graders and highways everywhere? You're still a child in imagination land if you think that applies across the board.
Of course, there would be exceptions, but don't come at with me a shitpost as if that shitpost applies to every single school, in every single county, and in every single city or township.
Deslah t1_itu1t11 wrote
Reply to comment by VividToe in Is it just me or is like 100% more people commuting this week vs before by Tasty-Flan6767
Deslah t1_itu1d48 wrote
Reply to comment by Sinsid in Is it just me or is like 100% more people commuting this week vs before by Tasty-Flan6767
Deslah t1_itu17va wrote
Reply to comment by whaler76 in Is it just me or is like 100% more people commuting this week vs before by Tasty-Flan6767
Because we weren’t all kids once?
When you relinquish authority to your kids to decide if they’re walking or not, you might as well just give them away, because you’re not fully parenting anymore.
Deslah t1_itc3n69 wrote
I'm sorry to say that quite a few of these demos are filled with military veterans living off government checks but dissatisfied that others might also be getting government checks. And I say this as a veteran myself. I'm not saying they're not in a bad place, but quite a few are incapable of seeing why they're in that place or why others are where they are. (And yes, hasty generalization without surveying anyone--but hasty generalizations aren't always incorrect.)
Deslah t1_ixl2w10 wrote
Reply to Job hunters around the Jersey City area beware! "Roundabout Marketing" and "Filo Associates" pyramid scheme companies are running wild. by Vivid_Ground1930
Filo Associates let their web domain expire and haven’t updated their FB for 5 years. That’s a solid red flag right there. 🚩