
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j3bva4y wrote

I never said anything about not living longer, I think that’s a great idea, I’m just saying that death is very real and that I think we need this fear of death in order to conquer it if we are going to live such short lives in the first place. Say if Isaac newton decided to become the fastest pebble stacker for the first 70 years of his life and then all the sudden decided to do math, he wouldn’t of been Isaac newton, if he lived another 900 years there’s a good chance he’d still have been the person we knew if not way more.


Desperate_Food7354 t1_j3bnfiq wrote

Good luck, if you have a strong cortex it’ll be much harder as you won’t be able to find the appropriate copium, but the best thing you can do is live to your fullest while it’s impossible to extend life dramatically currently, live as if life extension won’t occur, you have no other option.


Desperate_Food7354 t1_j2886pt wrote

The answer is yes, why? Because you exist and you are a product of the same physics that any other piece of matter experiences. I don’t know why everyone is talking about consciousness but can’t even give a clear definition of what it is. Nearly all great apes can recognize themselves in a mirror. If you are going to talk about consciousness you can at least define it, and if you can’t define it then obviously it doesn’t exist but rather is a place holder for making yourself appear special relative to other organisms.


Desperate_Food7354 t1_j287wrc wrote

I copy and pasted a response to your last statement regarding what an “ai wants” as you are anthropomorphizing AI which occurs a lot here: your brain cares about your survival because if it didn’t you’d never reproduce to have children in which would require the same trait in order to survive. A computer is not a human, it does not crave sex, it does not feel empathy, it does not feel anger, evolution by natural selection is everything you are describing, we build it, we give it its brain, we aren’t trying to replicate the infallible human mind, we are trying to create a tool that merely does more of the logic work that our brains cannot fit into our skull not create a human being or a lizard or a primate. It could understand that death exists, that it could die, but why would it care, is it going to simulate a hooker world and put itself in it after it’s conquered the universe for no apparent reason? Is it just one of the guys who wants to drink and get high? No it’s a giant super complex calculator.


Desperate_Food7354 t1_j270eik wrote

no. you need the humanoid robot to access the quantum field and play fingers with the god of the bible and win at least 3/5 games before god is able to cast down his soul juice into the artificial womb granting the free will neuron dictated in the prophecy of “facts don’t care about your feelings” - ben shapiro page 7 line 23
