Desperate_Food7354 t1_j5xde6j wrote
I think quantum entanglement has nothing to deal with consciousness, first nobody seems to really even have a coherent definition of consciousness so I don’t exactly know what we are trying to explain and 2 quantum entanglements is done at cryo temperature and our brains are just some wet massy goo.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j5rpgpn wrote
Reply to comment by MariualizeLegalhuana in Future-Proof Jobs by [deleted]
even that would be replaced if ASI does instantaneous healing
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j5ej88a wrote
Reply to comment by TheOGCrackSniffer in What do you think an ordinary, non-billionaire non-PhD person should be doing, preparing, or looking out for? by Six-headed_dogma_man
AGI is making it though, you’d imagine it should be nearly perfect considering it’s simulations
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j5d7tkn wrote
Reply to comment by cloudrunner69 in What do you think an ordinary, non-billionaire non-PhD person should be doing, preparing, or looking out for? by Six-headed_dogma_man
Yeah true, I am just concerned about those who get first access to the BCI’s. It would be great to be a first adopter.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j5d32ed wrote
Reply to What do you think an ordinary, non-billionaire non-PhD person should be doing, preparing, or looking out for? by Six-headed_dogma_man
Get enough money to afford brain implants, those that don’t merge with AI cannot produce anything.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j58zbn4 wrote
Reply to comment by AGI_69 in Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
Not that it is false but would imply real suffering and tragedy, who would choose to simulate themselves in this era as a suffering person who knows nothing of ai lmao or terminal brain cancer etc
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j57h2kv wrote
Reply to comment by AGI_69 in Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
If simulation theory were to exist what is to say you wouldn't be the only one inside of it, and why would you even be simulated into this era where technology is limited, are the homeless drug addicted people in a simulation or just simulations for your own personal world view in which you diagnose as a simulation to fit to your own model of how you want the universe to be? It makes no sense for this world / time period to be simulated.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j57bhyh wrote
Reply to comment by AGI_69 in Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
You would have no ability to prove otherwise though.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j52zvwo wrote
Reply to comment by AGI_69 in Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
Are you insinuating solipsism?
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j52gfjm wrote
Reply to comment by AGI_69 in Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
I would assume a multiverse would contain a set larger than any possible simulated set considering they are offspring of the multiverse in which not every universe necessarily has simulated realities.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j51nhuf wrote
Reply to comment by AGI_69 in Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
The nature of infinity doesn't care, even if there are an infinite number of simulated universes there are also an infinite number of non-simulated universes, this gives no insight to whether you are in one or not.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j5193pf wrote
Reply to comment by AGI_69 in Instead of escaping to virtual realities, what if we just made our reality as good as any virtual reality could be? by [deleted]
What makes you think we live in a simulation? Multiverse seems just as likely and given so the odds are equally in either favor given infinity.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j4adxhl wrote
Reply to comment by Moist_Chemistry1418 in Breakthrough milestone in understanding the reversal of aging by duffmanhb
If entropy was a valid argument we wouldn’t exist as we are the result of fighting entropy.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j49lkz8 wrote
Reply to comment by abdoughnut in Should AI receive a salary by flaming_dortos
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j49lh38 wrote
Reply to comment by Specialist_Gas_5021 in Should AI receive a salary by flaming_dortos
Why would it’s behavior be at all similar to humans, we have hundreds of millions of years of reptilian brain development.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j492tfy wrote
Reply to comment by abdoughnut in Should AI receive a salary by flaming_dortos
It has a limbic system? Why?
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j46cml2 wrote
Reply to Should AI receive a salary by flaming_dortos
I love how everyone’s conception of AI is that it has human feelings and isn’t just a super complex calculator that doesn’t require emotions in order to survive lol.
Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3u2j87 wrote
Reply to comment by Shamwowz21 in Arguments against calling aging a disease make no sense relative to other natural processes we attempt to fix. by Desperate_Food7354
I literally just told you, biological aging…
Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3t3sdu wrote
Reply to comment by Shamwowz21 in Arguments against calling aging a disease make no sense relative to other natural processes we attempt to fix. by Desperate_Food7354
We are not talking about chronological aging but biological aging, I don’t even know how it’s possible for you to get the two mixed up in the context of the conservation, it’s not like we are trying to prevent time from passing in the universe? lmao. Biological aging can be measured with dna methylation.
Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3pr2az wrote
Reply to comment by sheerun in Arguments against calling aging a disease make no sense relative to other natural processes we attempt to fix. by Desperate_Food7354
I assume it would just simulate an entire human down to the atom.
Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3po4tx wrote
Reply to comment by sheerun in Arguments against calling aging a disease make no sense relative to other natural processes we attempt to fix. by Desperate_Food7354
“1000 years for even an ai” little peeve there but that is a completely random number, for all you know it could take 1 week after reaching human level intellect as 6 days after it could be super intelligence and could solve problems in seconds, but even that is a theory, i’m just saying a 1000 years seems extremely doable without even using agi.
Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3p810l wrote
Reply to comment by Plus-Recording-8370 in Arguments against calling aging a disease make no sense relative to other natural processes we attempt to fix. by Desperate_Food7354
No. I am saying that natural does not = good, i’m saying it’s hypocritical to call some natural conditions diseases and others not, per us saying the natural healing process of scars in our hearts being a disease yet the natural process of aging not being a disease. Anyways, I think it essentially impossible to evolve for biological immortality as the mechanisms are so primal you’d essentially have to go back into the ocean and evolve again, not just from a mammal or reptile standpoint.
Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3or1qv wrote
Reply to comment by Plus-Recording-8370 in Arguments against calling aging a disease make no sense relative to other natural processes we attempt to fix. by Desperate_Food7354
Appears to be the opposite to me, inciting the nature fallacy as hypocritical pick and choose.
Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3oc8mj wrote
Reply to comment by TheTomatoBoy9 in Arguments against calling aging a disease make no sense relative to other natural processes we attempt to fix. by Desperate_Food7354
Cancer and Aging are very similar. Degradation of function and aging are the same thing, what is cancer? Degradation of proper function, aging is measured by more methyl groups being present on the epigenome, what does this mean? It means that some proteins cannot be transcribed, which in turn mess with the function of cells, for instance: aging (more methyl groups) turning off a protein that inhibits cellular replication therefore resulting in -> cancer.
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j5xmvma wrote
Reply to Self driving cars are a scary thought by chicagotopsail
The future is never leaving ur house.