
Desperate_Food7354 t1_j5xde6j wrote

I think quantum entanglement has nothing to deal with consciousness, first nobody seems to really even have a coherent definition of consciousness so I don’t exactly know what we are trying to explain and 2 quantum entanglements is done at cryo temperature and our brains are just some wet massy goo.


Desperate_Food7354 t1_j57h2kv wrote

If simulation theory were to exist what is to say you wouldn't be the only one inside of it, and why would you even be simulated into this era where technology is limited, are the homeless drug addicted people in a simulation or just simulations for your own personal world view in which you diagnose as a simulation to fit to your own model of how you want the universe to be? It makes no sense for this world / time period to be simulated.


Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3t3sdu wrote

We are not talking about chronological aging but biological aging, I don’t even know how it’s possible for you to get the two mixed up in the context of the conservation, it’s not like we are trying to prevent time from passing in the universe? lmao. Biological aging can be measured with dna methylation.


Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3po4tx wrote

“1000 years for even an ai” little peeve there but that is a completely random number, for all you know it could take 1 week after reaching human level intellect as 6 days after it could be super intelligence and could solve problems in seconds, but even that is a theory, i’m just saying a 1000 years seems extremely doable without even using agi.


Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3p810l wrote

No. I am saying that natural does not = good, i’m saying it’s hypocritical to call some natural conditions diseases and others not, per us saying the natural healing process of scars in our hearts being a disease yet the natural process of aging not being a disease. Anyways, I think it essentially impossible to evolve for biological immortality as the mechanisms are so primal you’d essentially have to go back into the ocean and evolve again, not just from a mammal or reptile standpoint.


Desperate_Food7354 OP t1_j3oc8mj wrote

Cancer and Aging are very similar. Degradation of function and aging are the same thing, what is cancer? Degradation of proper function, aging is measured by more methyl groups being present on the epigenome, what does this mean? It means that some proteins cannot be transcribed, which in turn mess with the function of cells, for instance: aging (more methyl groups) turning off a protein that inhibits cellular replication therefore resulting in -> cancer.